Saturday, June 04, 2005

my newest creation in music. download it.

rescue me
rescue me

im missing massachusetts
and im missing my mom
im not afraid
im on my own
im just sad
cause my loves not grown

california sun is nice
and flowers bloomed all year are fine
but it dont compare to leaves that change
or snow that falls on new years day
and colds that start b/c of rain
i love this place i cant complain

whether i am right
please just stay and talk the night
even though i dont love this place
thinking of you will still remain
i know you're in a better state
i miss you more than i can say

we can wait for this to end
to burn out like the love we send
and move on without you in life
the less complete the more i fight
ive got some things id like to hide
ill give you more when you arrive

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's pretty you.