Tuesday, January 16, 2007

And My New Puppy's Name is....

Dah Dah Dah....Yoshi. I called him James, Lawrence, Benny, Barney, but I have settled on Yoshi. Yes, Yoshi the same name as the little dinosaur guy from the Nintendo games. Why Yoshi you ask? Probably because it's a bit on the different side for dog names.

It's seem like on an hourly basis that Yoshi isn't only shitting and pissing, but he's also showing more of his personality and getting more comfortable. Like this morning he was jumping at Herbie trying to get him to play. Herbie being the gentle sole he is got right into playing stance but never went back at Yoshi. Yoshi also is starting to play with the cats as well, like today he put both paws on the black cats side until she ran away. Yoshi is quickly becoming a crazy little man like Mr. Bill Kutters.

On a side note I have setup my side project blog, which is SDFoodGuys.com. It's a blog that reviews restaurants in the San Diego area and beyond. I have me and about 4 other people who will be writing reviews on different restaurants in the area. I got the idea for this site after writing a blog on my website for "5 Great Places To Eat in San Diego". I know everytime I search Google it seems that there are never any reviews or good reviews for most restaurants that I want to try. Plus this site will be in blog format so people that visit the site can comment. If you live in the San Diego area and want to write some reviews shoot me an email to SDFoodGuys@gmail.com.

holla holla holla,



Anonymous said...

I love the name...I have a friend named yosh..and hes pretty awsomem, so good choice...benny was kinda lame.

Anonymous said...

and by awsomem...i mean AWESOME!

Gregg O'Connell said...

punky" Yoshi is "Punky Approved" :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

xtina: thx :) "Xtina Approved"

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: I like your doggystyle! :P

Gregg O'Connell said...

Dirty: Now I truely know why your name is "Dirty"

Erica Ann Putis said...

Yoshi is one cute puppy with one giant Budda belly.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Erica AP: he takes after his dad (me) and his grandpy (Herbie) witht he big belly

Julianne B said...

good name... very fitting

Anonymous said...

We have a cat named Yoshi- a solid black cat, named by my 4 year old

Gregg O'Connell said...

LJC: you aren't going to sue me for copyright infringement are you?