It will no longer be using blogger. The updated site will have a whole heap of new features that I can't talk about right now because my lawyer said I should keep quiet, so that if something doesn't make it on launch date, I don't get sued by you peeps!
So bear with me cause my blogs might slow down for a bit as I get the new site up and running!
For now enjoy this video of "Herbie vs. The Banana"
I'm excited! You need a new name and slogan too.
I heart Herbie!
dirty: no no I'm not changing the name of my site b/c my site is all about "MY life" and not really anything else.
My slogan is terrific! San Diego's Greatest Blogger!
So the new name should be "Gregg O'Connell takes on San Diego"
dirty: if I call it that then it limits me to only writing about San diego. I like writing about whatever I want. I LOVE FREEDOM!
I don't only write about my laundry. What about "The Official Site of Gregg O'Connell"?
dirty: ha ha i think i'll stick with blog
Don't be lame Gregg...I thought the 2.0 version is supposed to be better...
dirty: the new site will be better visually with more and better technology...the content will still be the same! :)
But it needs a REAL name.
Gregg can help but be lame. But Herbie is one cute-fruit-eating puppy.
erica: ricuh you're just a copycat except you do it better than me! :P
Haha!! I know!! Just kidding. You know you are way more edgy than I could ever be. I will never photograph myself naked.
erica: I am pretty edgy, but my body is built to be shown off to the world though anyway
Hey, that's my mom in that pic. Hi mom!
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