Sunday, January 07, 2007

Reason's Why My Apartment Sucks!

The bathroom has no electrical plugs.

The drains are constantly clogged.

We have to water these hideous looking plants in the front part of our yard. If they die our landlord calls us and yells at us. They've died 3x!

90% of our electrical sockets are two prongs. Almost everything that isn't a lamp is 3 prongs! We need to buy 3 prong adapters in order to use them!

The rugs are dirtier than a priest!

All the windows are sliding windows making for it to be impossible to put a regular air conditioner in the windows!

The walls are thinly insulated. It's shivering cold in the winter and sweaty hot in the summer.

We have no closets for things like vacuums, brooms, towels, etc.

The ceiling in the living room leaks if it rains too hard.

The kitchen is tiny like a closet that we don't have for vacuums, brooms, towels, etc...

Our neighbors on one side party like college kids. On the other side the father and son smoke weed and scream at each other at the top of their lungs "DID YOU TAKE ALL MY WEED?!?!?!"

What sucks about the place you live in?



Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: cause I live near the Slew!

Anonymous said...

You need to get out of Pt. Loma son!

Gregg O'Connell said...

I need to get out of Point Loma and into your car!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I think you're pretty funny. I found you through RSM's blog list. I totally know what you mean about the faucet, I broke mine recently and the stupid landlord won't come and fix it. Arsehole :(

dirty said...

I hate the stupid people who rent the house across the street from me...hate.them.

Anonymous said...

One time the house I used to live in flooded with raw sewage. There's nothing quite like finding your high school yearbook covered in someone's morning dump.

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: throw eggs and bolgne at their house at night

christina: thats freaking nasty ha ha

Dan said...

Nothing sucks about my place. That's why I live here and haven't moved out.

What's your excuse Gregg? :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

dan: you still live with your mom??

Anonymous said...

1. no shower...just a claw foot tub(which is cute if it were 1950)

2. the windows suck at keeping the cold air out and warm in. pretty sure the people next to me are running a chop shop out of their back yard ...they are always working on cars in the middle of the night.

4.but rent is free. so all that stuff just got nulled

Gregg O'Connell said...

punky: i'd sacrafice all that too if i lived rent free!

dc1904 said...


You'll never move cuz you're lazy and scared of change. It will take Emily to make all the $$ in your household then drag your lazy ass off the couch, away from the Xbox just to look up Apartments on the Internet.


Captain Mo

dc1904 said...

Where I live:

Night noise rules, speed bumbs, 15 mph speed limits, constant fines from HOA, yardwork, cracks in walls, and a Australian/retarded accented dude across the street who's an annoying dick.

Gregg: you and Emily want to move in???

Capn Mo

Gregg O'Connell said...

cap'n mo: i'll move in if you hold me and rock my cradle at night