Monday, October 16, 2006

Confessional Like a Catholic

I'm not Catholic I'm Protestant so I never went to CCD or confessional. I guess I'm probably lucky by not being Catholic because of all those sexual abuse cases from the Priests. Today I thought since I never did confessional that I'd do one today to get some things off my chest. So here goes!

When I was 11 years old I used to go to this convenient store called B&J's in good ole Brockton, MA with my friends. Well back in 1991 tiny little crappy stores didn't have surveillance cameras. Also back then they still had the same stupid moronic cashiers as they do today. So me and my friends would go to the candy aisle and fill our pockets up with gum and candy bars. I don't even think we'd even buy one thing when we were in there either which is weird. Who the fuck goes into a convenient store and looks at the stuff and doesn't buy anything. When you go into a convenient store you're purposely going in there to get some specific because you don't feel like going into a supermarket. When we'd walk out of the store with our pockets filled up I had the biggest rush of adrenaline. I felt like such a cool rebel dude for stealing candy. We did this the whole summer of 5th grade going into 6th. I don't know if this is any coincidence but B&J's is no longer in business.?!?!?

I'd like to confess that everything I said I was sick before school I really wasn't. I just didn't want to go. I wanted to stay in my room and play video games. God that sounds a lot like someone I know today. Did you ever go to school and there was a kid who didn't miss a day all year? Then you'd also have the kid who didn't miss a day for the entire time they attended the school. It was always the kid who was a dork and socially inept. Thank God I had an older brother and sister otherwise I might've been that kid who is socially weird and doesn't consume alcohol.

The last thing I'd like to confess is I'd like to say sorry to those girls I slept with that I gave the impression that I may have liked you. There are like 37 girls I wish I had never slept with. The one that gave me crabs & the one I got pregnant that got an abortion are just two of the losers I slept with that I wish I hadn't. Sorry ladies for the mixup it was just Willy Wonka talking!

Jesus/God I hope you forgive me for my mishaps and fuckups. I haven't been perfect and the stubbornness I have is surely one of my downfalls as a human (atleast according to other females)
I hope the love I show towards animals will get me into heaven. Just watch me with my dog. I'll most definitely win you over with the respect and love I show him. God bless you God & Jesus!


P.S. My people feel free to confess something that may put you in grave danger of getting into heaven!!! Or just tell me I'm lame and my blog sucks! Either one works and will make me feel wanted and loved.


Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: please explain cause you lost me at "depth"

iEmK: pumpkins are the essence of life

Julianne B said...

what the f&^%...?!?!? someone please remind me why i read this blog... thats right cause you respond to my comments and you make your life to be somewhat weirder than mine...

Gregg O'Connell said...

I respond to your comments b/c my only fans are you, dirty and erica...sometimes "iemk"

once i go big time i'm taking all 4 of you with me to be my personal assistants. i hope you guys like making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Gregg...

I accept. PB&J is my specialty. Did you know you can freeze them and put them in the fridge a few hours before you plan to eat them and they taste fresh? My freezer is stocked!


Gregg O'Connell said...

Dirty: why don't you hook a brotha up and mail me a box of frozen PB&J's. Freeze with dry ice and mail!

I'm waiting!!!

Anonymous: if my blog is lanme and sucks then why are you here? or maybe this is your last visit...:)

Travis said...

I confess that I have downloaded more wrestling on my computer than I have porno....

such shame

Gregg O'Connell said...

travis: there's nothign wrong with that. Wrestling is what kept me alive when i was going thru suicidal thoughts...


Julianne B said...

And also accept.. it will get me out of my mothers store.. and i agree about the wrestling over porn.. girls also don't think your a pervert.. just a geek and being a geek is sexy.

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne are you in love me or
my wrestling geeky side?

Erica Ann Putis said...

37 girls??? Yeah right... Try more like 1... Poor Isa.


You should become and alter boy with a dirty priest... I think you'd like it.

Travis said...

Julianne was talking about me and my unhealthy obsession with the acrobatic stylings of The Phenomenal AJ Styles.

Gregg O'Connell said...

isa never slept with me :(

i'm too old to be an alter boy...aren't I????

Gregg O'Connell said...

well maybe she needs to feel the "BANG!" from the Alpha Male Monty Brown

Erica Ann Putis said...

Maybe you and the priest can role play or something. You love church lovin'.

TNA means Tits and Ass, right? haha... Just say yes so you look cooler.

Gregg O'Connell said...

nope it stands for
Total Nonstop Action

watch it live on Thursday nights on
SpikeTV..oops you only get like 5 channels sorry you can't watch it!!!! :P

Erica Ann Putis said...


Hey - there's nothing wrong with watching the Spanish channels. Someday maybe I'll learn the language.

Gregg O'Connell said...

or you could start a QVC fan website

Julianne B said...

and now i'm about to disapoint everyone... I watch Raw and Smackdown... and I saw Batista in person and he is a god... and looks way better in an Armani suit then he does in wresting shorts.. not that i'm going to complain if he showed up on my doorstep in nothing but wresting shorts and asked if i needed a massage... sorry my fantasy was running away on me

Gregg O'Connell said...

now I know why you come to my website!

For my underwear photosets, my interest in wrestling & my love of Italian men

Julianne B said...

busted... you found out my secret...

Erica Ann Putis said...

You and only old ladies in Alabama like to watch QVC constantly. But you mostly like it because you have a huge crush on that creepy robot guy. Gaaaaaaaaay.

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: just call me Sleuth O'Connell

Erica: David Venable is a powerful clean man. stop hating

dc1904 said...

I confess: I only make fun of Gregg because it is so easy and I am lazy...

Anonymous said...

I eat fruit without washing it first.

Gregg O'Connell said...

i know that was hard to say but it's a step into the right direction. you're on your way to heaven. Hell take a backseat ,cause Jesus is driving!