Well most guys give their penis's first names.
I've always half joked about names for mine "Herman", "Dinky", "Stanley" & "Willy Wonka". Giving your cock-a-doodle-doo a name is a joke all guys can enjoy because as guys and girls know men's penis's have a mind of their own and they deserve their very own names. It's like having a second brain attached to your body with its own thoughts, opinions, feelings, wants & needs. You need to feed him the energy he needs with food, he needs to be groomed and cleaned. He needs to be protected from the evil in the world because he doesn't want to get sick and die. To keep him in tip top shape he needs to have fun by meeting and playing with new friends.
I'm not the only one who has given their penis a name. Macaulay Culkin calls his "Floyd". "Floyd" sounds like a wonderful name for a penis. It makes me think its fast, flacid & flexible. 3 adjectives girls/guys love. If a girl/guy were to ask your penis's name and you said "Floyd" your partner will most likely get wildly aroused and be ready to fornicate in mere seconds.
Just like a rocket, a sex pistol, a meat wrench, thrill drill or whatever else you may call your penis if it works and its healthy than share it with the rest of the world. Don't let it go to waste because by the time you hit 60 years old it may not work at all without the help of Viagra. Be strong, stand tall & free it like that whale Willy in the ocean. Keep it safe, protect it, care for it because once it's gone it's gone forever!
i don't know about the rest of the women on the planet but the name floyd for a penis has never gotten me all giddy...
come on julianne if soe guy with a bottle of wine and some KFC stopped by and said "Floyd" wants to play with you you would say no?
Tom i've missed you :)
You make it really difficult to look at your website at work with all these nasty ass pictures and entries about gross boy parts that don't work...
my blog is punk rawk. is raw and is rawk. it's got an attitude of its own. its made for the american housewife who doesnt work. :)
yes... I would say no and probebley kick 'floyd'. now if he came up and said little mister helmet head needs to inspect your cave to see if it is good for spunking I might get a chuckle and then kick the inspector... ya i know i'm weird and perverted
I guess I shouldn't be reading it and commenting then because I'm no housewife and I definatly work. You like to think you are punk rock.
If you didn't have me your comments would never get up to 10...
julianne: perverts are so weird..thank god im normal
erica: i could get to 10 without if this was RSM's blog
How about "Harry and the Henderson's" for a name?
dirty captain: haha
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