Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Things I Hate

Hate is a strong word but a necessary word!

I Hate

Getting sick
Sunday nights because the next day is a work day
Doing dishes/cleaning the house
Giving in/Backing down
Slushy dirty snow
Extreme heat
The sun
Excessive Rain
Tap water
Strong smelly perfume
Paying bills
Having no money
Power trips
Coffee house girl musicians
Jam bands
Excessive nagging
When someone acts like they can't hear me (Erica, my mom)
When the internet goes down
Working late
Gas prices
People who are easily offended
Hair in the drain
Doing things that I don't want to do
Not winning contests
Knowing I'm wrong
Doing laundry
The desert
When my girlfriend doesn't tell me what she is thinking
Pretentcious people
Frat boys
When my dog licks his paws excessively
Flaky people
Public transportation
People speaking another language in front of me
Being busy
Gaining weight
Not getting what I want
Holding in gas
Not having gum
Pet stores with animals for sale inside
Getting not comments on posts on my blog



Anonymous said...

I don't know anyone who likes gaining weight.

Ha..I type that as I eat Halloween candy.

Anonymous said...

Somethings are missed in that list... I think

Gregg O'Connell said...

Halloween Candy is so bad but tastes so good!

whats missing?

Anonymous said...

umm don't know really..
just felt like something was missed..

oh wait..don't you hate dark meat chicken!

Gregg O'Connell said...

I FEAR dark meat chicken!

Erica Ann Putis said...

What happens if you go to another country where they speak a different language and they are talking in front of you? (and it was your decision to go)

Gregg O'Connell said...

QofD those are fine child retardants!

Erica: I would think its rude and not go to a country that speaks another language :P

Gregg O'Connell said...

the dentist/doctor


Erica Ann Putis said...

That's nice of you to put me on your hate list... Awwhh.. So thoughtful.

Gregg O'Connell said...

welcome kiddo!

you can't handle having your name on my wicked popular website!

Gregg O'Connell said...

don't get mad at me cause you can't hear people. get mad at that loud rock music you listen to!

Erica Ann Putis said...

No no... I'm the annoying girl who has the hold her hands over her ears when the trebel is up too high in a car... Haha... You are the rockstar that listens to Sublime really loud.

Gregg O'Connell said...

since when do I listen to Sublime in my car?!??!

Why dont you go listen to some Phish you hippy!!!

Erica Ann Putis said...

I thought Sublime was your favorite band?

Gregg O'Connell said...

nope..my favorites are lionel richie, james brown & cat stevens

dc1904 said...

No comment.

Anonymous said...

Noone likes a showoff or a tryhard...just sayin