Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Launch Day Bug

It comes every 5 or so years a new video game system hits the market. Well almost exactly a month from now Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii launch. This is the kind of stuff I live for. I don't go to bars and get cocked. I spend my money on technology. Technology is my vice!

Playstation 3 hits the market November 17. I bought the first Playstation and I thought it was pretty good. It introduced me to games like Resident Evil which is definitely my favorite series of games. Then came Playstation 2 which I got the day it launched and I was very underwhelmed with it. Now the Playstation 3 is about to hit and I'm getting the itch. I kind of want it. I have an Xbox 360 which is one of the best most fun consoles I have ever played on. It's almost perfect! The PS3 will basically have the same games but the thought of there being a new console in the world that I don't have kind of hurts me. For someone like you to understand this (you being the 20 something female) it would be like you only having Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts coffee once every 5 years or like you only being able to have sex with one person for 5 years straight :P
The freaking PS3 costs $599 just for the system with NO GAMES!!! Too expensive so this baby will not be had on launch day unless some nice charitable organization offers me one!

The Nintendo Wii launches on November 19. This is the most likely candidate to make it onto my TV stand. This sexy thing is small, sleek and affordable at $250! I sound like Rachel Ray on $40 a day. It offers a lot of new technology like motion sensoring that never really made it to main stream gaming.

New things get me excited. It could be McDonalds coming out with Halloween shakes or the newest iPod. I'm such a nerd that I'll check the same websites like 15 times a day to see if they put up a new article. I never know what I'm going to miss! I can't have something going under my nose.

Keep me informed! With your lives and my loves!



Anonymous said...

Me and a couple friends went to Gamestop at 5am and got 3 of the 8 reserves they were taking =) Probably going to end up selling at least 1 of them and maybe sharing the other ones heh

Gregg O'Connell said...

why dont you sell your other ps3 to me son?!?!

Julianne B said...

thanks for the update... The BG wanted a game console and I was thinking about getting him one for his birthday.. Now i know not to get him one of the old ones... just wait a few days and the new ones wil be out... and check your messages

Gregg O'Connell said...

how about you charge it for me and i keep it?

dc1904 said...

Gregg, you are so gullible. You are a marketer's dream! When I was in Canada, they luv Nelly furtado and sum 41! 24-7!

I guess I love Canada too!

Gregg, with your paleness, you would fit rit in. I suggest a trip.