Watching him sleep (He looks like a little bean all rolled up)
The way he smells (Like dirt and baby kittens)
Playing with him (He bites my arms cause I put them in his mouth)
The way he drinks water (He makes these massive gulping sounds. He then has water dripping from his beard)
Taking him for walks (everytime he goes on a walk he has this energy and happiness all over his face. I should know because I can read dog's faces!)
Coming home from somewhere have it be 5 minutes or 5 hours. (He acts like I've been gone forever. He howls and jumps up on me)
How he lives for the moment. (He obviously doesn't think of the future really so whatever he is doing he loves doing it right then and there. Herbie doesn't get bored because he knows something better is coming up.)
How he speaks (I'll say "Herbie Speak!!!" He lets out this big howl it's so fucking cute)
Loner (It's funny because almost every dog I see in at the dog park wants to be with the other dogs. Not Herbie! He walks around the dog park by himself. )
Giving him treats (He'll stop whatever he is doing if I offer him a treat. He'll go from being a brat to doing whatever I say if he knows I have a treat for him.)
stubbornness (He really does things on his own terms. He'll come only if he knows he's getting something for coming. Gee that sounds a lot like someone else I know :P )
Whines (He walk around the apartment with his toy in his mouth whining so someone will play with him or give him attention.)
His body (It's like a mix of little man with a muscular walk. Does that make any sense ha ha )
Kisses (He very rarely gives kisses but when he does they are so sweet. God I really sound like a homosexual on this entry)
Intuition (If I'm upset or if Emily & I are fighting he instinctively knows what to do. He lays his head down on my lap and looks up at me)
I'll leave with that. It's Friday so I have an excuse for writing about Herbie. You guys won't see this til Monday anyway so I have 3 more days to amend it so that I look more manly!
so.. i get busy and can't read your blog and you get all philosophic on me... wtf.. the white meat dark meat thing... dude it's meat, where carnivores we are sussposed to eat all kinds of meat.. so just shut up and eat it... and then 48 fear thing.. question do you ever leave your appartment.. but I do hae to say I love the Herbie love post.. i think i'm in love with himn too now.. well have a good day and give herbie a kiss for me.
Herbie blesses you with his holy dog water.
He is sooooo cute and I miss him so much. :(
Erica I forgot to tell you he said he misses you too. That was weird b/c when Herbie and I were chatting he was like totally reminising about the good ole days when he was a puppy and he used to pee in the hallway. We were laughing...
gso + herbie
Your attempt to look manly has failed miserably.
that's too bad b/c I was hoping you wouldn't read this and wouldn't see my sensitive side.
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