Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Napping Season

It's officially napping season finally! Don't act like you don't know what napping season is! Ok I'll tell you if you don't already know. It's the time of the year October through March when the weather is cooler and the days make you more lazy than the other months of the year.

I honestly believe napping is hereditary. My sister when she was in high school would come home from school and sleep from 2:30 til 6:00 everyday. I used to think this was "nucking futs" but now here I am doing the same thing. O'Connell's blood is sleepy blood.

My career as a napper hasn't been very long. I've been napping reguarly since about the age of 21. Napping to me is escaping the horrors of everyday life and entering a magical world only Harry Potter really knows! Does anyone remember that quote?!?! hmmm

It's not like my job is stressful or makes me tired. I nap out of habit. I get home put the TV on and eat dinner. Then my sweet baby green eyes begin getting heavy. My brain gets lazy and my body loosens up for a 2 hour nap that would be sure to satisfy any young child or senior citizen.

The only way I can nap when it's not napping season is if I have an air conditioner. I sweat every time I take a nap no matter what season it is. I always wake up with a sweaty head, balls & dry mouth. I've been this way since I was just "Greg" minus the other "g"

Napping for one hour is as benefical for learning as a full nights sleep. This obviously explains why I can't do anything creative until I take a nap. When I wake up from a nap I feel like a new person. Kind of like going from a complete asshole to a sweet little old grandmother. I probably smell like a grandmother too after my nap.



Gregg O'Connell said...

Captain: are you back into Asians? I heard its cool this season to be attracted to Asians so I guess we are hip now!

dirty: sleep well my darling

Gregg O'Connell said...

yes just ship'em FedEx to me when you want me to watch them :)

Erica Ann Putis said...

I think you have written about napping about 5 million times already. And you think I write about the same stuff all the time... Damn.

Gregg O'Connell said...

this is the first entry about "napping season" get off my blogging sac girlllll

Anonymous said...

I wish i could nap, My ADD is way to bad to nap.

Gregg O'Connell said...

punky: no worries b/c naps are for wussies

Erica Ann Putis said...

I think I remember another time you said that it is getting cooler so you nap more... I'm not making it up that you are running out of ideas... Haha... Dude - you should ban me. That would be fun.

Gregg O'Connell said...

haha dude that'd be so funny if I banned you! i wish i could but right now blogger doesnt allow that :(

Erica Ann Putis said...

There is no way you would ban me... I make your comments look like you are popular. You need me. Haha...

Gregg O'Connell said...

yes erica i need you to visit my site like i need water to live!

Gregg O'Connell said...

the key to napping is eating an unheart healthy meal and then go lay down on the bed. you'll be asleep very soon after that

dc1904 said...


I am on and off with Asians. At this point, if 1 annoys me, the rest are off limits for a bit.

Also, I don't mind a non-Asian girl who hangs out w/ all Asians...
What u think about that?

Gregg O'Connell said...

i think i'm an Asian fan for life!

once you go rice you never roll dice!