4:18 am First Alarm Goes Off
4:24 am Emily gets up and gets in the shower
4:30 am Second alarm goes off. I get up and check my emails and favorite websites
4:40 am get in the shower
4:50 am get out of the shower
4:52 am get dressed
4:58 am do my hair (ha ha that sounds like an old lady "do my hair"
5:00 am Take Herbie out to go pee and pooh
5:05 am take my multi-vitamin w/ applesauce cause I can't swallow, get my lunch ready
5:07 am eat my breakfast while I surf the internet
5:12 am leave for work
5:30 am drop Emily off at work
5:33 am arrive at my job
5:35 am log into my computer at work and check my work and personal emails
5:40 am process transfers
7:30 am go to the Lizzy
7:35 am process more transfers
9:00 am go for my walk with Kim, Bill, Jelyn & Brian
9:20 am process transfers and begin eating sunflower seeds....
10:30 am go to the Lizzy again...
11:30 am go to lunch
12:00 pm process transfer..ahhhhhhhhh fuckin transfers!!!
12:30 pm go to the Lizzy once more!
1:00 pm go for my last walk with everyone minus Billy Whipped
1:20 pm process transfers...... :(
2:00 pm leave work
2:05 pm pick Emily up
2:30 pm arrive home
2:40 pm take Herbie out to go pee/pooh
3:00 pm eat dinner
3:45 pm take a nap
6:00 pm wake up from my nap and surf the internet, play video games and watch TV
7:00 pm go to the gym to burn 400 calories watching other people work out!
7:45 pm get home from the gym
8:15 pm Take Herbie for a walk
8:45 pm take a shower
8:50 pm surf the internet write a blog and play video games
9:30 or 10:00 pm go to sleep
I'm the type of guy that can stay inside and have the time of my life. The only things in life I need to make me happy are Herbie, video games, the internet & the TV. Most people like to go do activities outside like soccer or diving. Not me I'd rather be in the comfort of my own home. Yes my girlfriend gets bored of my routine. Sometimes I need to amend my daily routine to make her happy which is fine with me because honestly I get bored of it too. Who wouldn't get bored of naps and dinner @ 3:00 pm?!??!
If I came into a large sum of money say $2 million I wouldn't do anything except go shopping, walk my dog and relax. I'd be so happy. Most people would travel to Guadalajara or some other poor ass city. Most people say I'm not really living life but I beg to differ. I'm living life the way that makes me happy and comfortable. Just because you drink beers, eat dark meat chicken & play basketball with the brothas @ the Y doesn't make you cool it makes you a scallywag!
Is it me or is that new Jojo song "Too Little Too Late" dope ass catchy shit?!??! "You know it's just a little too late" God Jojo really knows how I feel! She's deeper than a well.
dammit gregg! basically living at your house all those summers has made me just like you....
well I don't work on the weekend so that's different...
Kevin: it's a blessing in disguise that you have followed my path of fun. now your chances of getting hurt in a diving accident are greatly reduced
Woah...you are totally living on the edge...be careful.
Yes, I imagine for the weekend you just replace "Process Transfers" with "Play video games and surf the internet". Everything else is about the same.
anonymous: you've got me spot on! do you know me? is your name William?
Dirty: you could live in my shoes for one day without needing an oxygen tank
I’m stealing the phrase "go to the Lizzy" I know this guy that always says "I have to take a piss" and I think “go to the lizzy” would be more appropriate.
Punky: I'm happy to hear you're embracing "Going to the Lizzy"
"Going to the Lizzy" is one of those phrases that is a "whaaaaat did you just say. what does that mean???" it's a way to get attention without sounding desperate!
spread the Lizzy!
You need a beer and a shot and then see how your day plays out. Actually, you would probably still just play video games but you would be hyper and abnoxious. And you would probably write retarted songs... More retarded than "you got eaten by a shawk" which I think would be hard to top.
U R so lame! U R a waste of space in San Diego. You don't utilize SD but add to the traffic and congestion. How bout goin back to Mass?
erica: i don't drink nor will i ever drink ever ever ever ever!
i had a problem in the past with drinking and i'm not ready to go down that path again!
Dirty Captain: SD needs me like I need a tan! without me here in SD you'd have nothing but retards eating guacamole, skating & drinking Red Trolley!
Just own up to the fact that you never had a drinking problem and you are just a dorky video game player. Take a chance - take a shot. Haha...
the only shots I take are at right wing conservative Christians on my blog!
Your forgetting: get advice from my dad (capn mo). What up w/ that? If you don't come back for counseling, you are going to be asking ur gf when you can piss pretty soon.
Soon she will be the admin. on this site and regulating your goofy ways...
Darlisha: i'm really not worth stalking...ive really let myself go...
Captain Morgan: i was hoping you could do a house call to counsel me!
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