It's Freshmen year 1994-1995. I have this friend in class named Isa. She's Portuguese and from Portugal. Well without my knowledge Isa has a full blown crush on me. So the way she goes about seeing if I'm single and interested in her is she has a friend named Susana (also Portuguese but from another high school) call me to find some more info on me. Susana calls my house one night as a prank phone call at least that's what she tells me. I end up talking to her for a bit. I thought she was just pranking random people and happened to come upon my number and to make matters more random she and I both have the same friend Isa. Well the plan back fires on Isa and Susana who was a total flirt ends up hitting it off with me. Susana ends up becoming my girlfriend. Here's where things get really dirrrrrrty.
One day Susana comes over my house to hangout with me her boyfriend :P. We start making out and like the sexual pro I was and still am I put my hands up her shirt and begin massaging her breasts. This is the first time I had ever felt God's magnificent gift to boys. Now from what I had seen in magazines I really thought boobs would feel kind of hard and really firm. Well Susana had pretty big boobs especially for a 9th grader and her boobs were pretty soft. It was quite a strange feeling for me because like I said I expected the complete opposite.
Susana had pretty strict parents. She couldn't really ever come out and hang. Plus since we both were only like 14 years old we didn't have our drivers licenses. I remember the first time she came over my house my mom had to drive her home with me in the car. Talk about awkward?!?!
After like 3 months of dating I find out Susana who has this friend Dan who was like 18 years old ends up hooking up with her. Isn't that statutory rape?!?! I was a little broken hearted but nothing major. I only put like 3 razor slits on my wrist. I'm still alive that's the good news.
To all my young men fans who haven't had the pleasure of resting your head on a girls chest or had the rush of blood to your other brain from massaging a pair of breasts keep your head up. It'll happen in due time. Keep chugging alone and maybe some ugly lonely girl with no confidence will come along and let you play with her fun bags. Better yet maybe some hot young drunk chick will be so drunk she'll hook up with you. Just remember they really do feel like balloons filled with sand. Plus the more persistent you are the more you will get in life. Let the girl in completely in your head and heart so when she breaks your heart you can write that emo record you've been dieing to write. Feel like shit for a few months and then make millions its a formula that's proven to work just look at me!
High School Love & Lust ain't over yet. Find out tomorrow who my other love interests were and what sexual antics we did!
ballons filled with sand... wow this chick had perky tits... and thanks for offering to hold my hair... that was really sweet...
what do ur boobs feel like?
She was Portugese AND from Portugal?...What are the odds?!?!
well my girlfriend is Filipino and she is from America.
douche bag
That's different...Everyone from America has a different nationality..Except for American Indians. Saying she was from Portugual would have sufficed.
anonymous: you're right on so many levels
iEmK: if yo want present tense i'll provide present tense. whatever my gregg-a-holics want they get. just like my dog!!!
i LOVE portugese sausage.
its too spicy for me
iEmK: that sounds about right except for what happens when I lay down...
i lick my hand and go to sleep on my stomach
Was Susana also both from Portugal AND Portugese?
anonymous: yes she was both we have already goe through this dweeb
You should just edit your post so you make it very clear where everyone came from and what nationality everyone is. Done! I'm from the USA and I'm Italian, Lithuanian and French Canadian. It could be a fun game for all to be had.
You should introduce yourself as Gregg, white American, from Boston, Mass, living in OB, San Diego, CA, in the United States, working (hardly) in La Jolla CA.
why doesn't Mexico host the Olympics? because all the ones that can Run, Jump and Swim...are already over here!
I slay myself!!!!
Salsas amigo? thank you amigo!
4.25 at the window!
thx Pancho
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