Thinking back to high school now seems like it was so long ago. All the people I went to school with and the friends I made I basically have no contact with now. High School was pretty rough for me. I went to school that at one time was the biggest high school east of the Mississippi. There were like 3,000 kids there and I really felt like a small fish in a huge pond.
I had really bad anxiety problems in 9th and 10th grade. So bad that I would barely ever leave my house unless it was to school. Even when I went to school I would be so nervous and wound up I would almost always feel nauseous and throw up. It was a really weird time in my life. I wish at the time I had gone on anti-depressant medication in order to deal with my social anxiety. I would just sit in my room and play video games and listen to Nirvana. I was a fucking mess. If I even dared to step foot out of my house my heart would start racing and I'd feel dizzy and nauseous. I barely ate anything during high school because I was scared I was going to throw up and make a fool of myself in front of everyone. I got so bad at one point I only weighed 125 lbs and I was 5'10. It was pretty nuts!
The final 2 years of high were not that bad anxiety wise. I mean I would have moments of anxiousness like when I had to talk in front of the class. But otherwise 11th & 12th grade were pretty smooth.
Kids if you have anxiety issues go talk to someone like a doctor. At the time I really felt like I was the only one in the world who had anxiety problems. It wasn't until I was an adult did I later find out practically everyone has had or does have anxiety issues. It's just a matter of learning how to deal with the issue head on and not be too afraid to try and do something about it.
High School Stories: To Be Continued:
Next: Part II - High School Love & Lust
I know the feeling... except that i would actually puke everyday before school... rough on the teeth let me tell you... and I didn't listen to nirvana.. I found that they where to greasy and where in desperate need of a bath...
And in regards to yesterday's comments .. I'm Soooooooooo glad that this isn't RSM's blog... skinny bitch... I say that about everyone who is skinnier than me
it would of been fun to go to high school with you and hold ahnds and throw up. i would've totally held your hair back so you didnt get any puke in it.
Please stop talking about throwing up - I have a phobia about it... Do you think I should see a doctor for that??
yes go on antidepressants for being scared of puke
who the heck is in that photo?
Jesus and Mary
Circa 1972
it says may 1973 actually :) the guy looks like you a little bit.
that guy is now 56 years old!!!! damnnnnnn
oh my gawww i was a cheerleader too how weird
What were you so worried about? I see... You were all inward and nervous, now you're the opposite, all outward and down to do or say anything.
i came out of the closet
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