Sunday, October 29, 2006

Popcorn Ear

When I was 10 years old I went to the Pediatrician for my regularly scheduled checkup. He was checking out my whole entire lean sexy preteen body when he got to my ears.

The left ear was first! This ear was in pristine condition just like it was when I was 9! Next up the right ear! Oh my! As he sticks his tool in my ear he seems to notice a huge build up of wax. It's so much wax or so he thinks that he is going to clean it out for me. He starts working his magic in my right ear and he begins to figure out it's not wax it's something else! He ends up getting the "thing" out of my ear. It's a freaking popcorn kernel! I had a whole unpopped popcorn kernel lodged in my ear and I didn't even know it! I don't know how it got there. I used to eat microwaved popcorn all the time during this time. So what I think happened is that I must have had some popcorn in my hand then scratched the side of my head and a popcorn kernel fell in.

It would of' been awesome if I still had the popcorn kernel. I could've sold it on eBay like it was an aged bottle of wine. If I sold it today the title could be "16 year old Popcorn Kernel aged in Ear Wax Barrel". I'd probably sell it for a lot of money. Those online casinos buy all kinds of crazy shit!

What's the funniest thing any doctor has ever found on you?



Julianne B said...

your teasing us aren't you?

Gregg O'Connell said...

Mel: it's only as gross someone double dipping

julianne: i'm not teasing. this is a true story. ask my mom!

dirty: just like you!

Anonymous said...

I use to roll Hershey kisses wrappers in to a ball and put them in my nose and then one time I laughed really hard and they went so far up my nose we had to go to the ER to get them removed...true story

Erica Ann Putis said...

Haha... That's really funny. I laughed out loud. Weird, gross and funny. I usually don't stick things in my orifices... sorry.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Punky: haha thats too freakin funny...why did you do that? did you love the smell of chocolate and alumnium foil?

Erica: You love sticking things in your orfaces!

Julianne B said...

k... gimme her number... i'm calling

Gregg O'Connell said...

qofd: share his discovery with us!

julianne: 1-800-876-5353

Anonymous said...

i use to do it to be funny...but after that it wasnt funny anymore

Gregg O'Connell said...

when the laughter leaves the pain enters!