Friday, August 25, 2006

Captain's Corner: Do You Have a Cervix

I've added the Dirty Captain to post a weekly blog. This is his first entry...Enjoy!

Something occurred today which concerned me deeply and motivated me to post this. At lunch my exuberant friend was explaining his 1st visit to a doctor in many years. This is because he has been without insurance and has lived as a vagabond. Upon his recent trip he had a wonderful time getting his prostrate ‘examined’ by the male doctor. At lunch today, he asked all us guys if we had our cervix checked lately. Then went on to mention we all need to have it looked at. The stares of shock and dismay scared him into admitting he thought all guys have a cervix. Many hours later after much humiliation, my friend was left alone to wallow in his stupidity and shame.I felt a little bad for him and am concerned for other small-minded dudes. To ‘rectify’ this situation, below is a definition.

Hopefully, this will end the confusion:According to Tracee Cornforth in Gregg’s favorite magazine, Women’s Health, “The cervix is the lower third portion of the uterus which forms the neck of the uterus that opens into the vagina. The narrow opening of the cervix is called the os. The os allows menstrual blood to flow out, and widens during labor to allow the passage of the fetus through the vagina during childbirth” “The cervix is covered by the epithelium which is made of a thin layer of cells. The cells of the epithium are either squamous or columnar. Squamous cells are flat and scaly, while columnar cells appear column-like. “

hmmm, yum…


Anonymous said...


Gregg O'Connell said...

you're welcome anytime

Anonymous said...

Now I can impress all my friends!

Gregg O'Connell said...

lemme know what they say after you've impressed

Julianne B said...

dude i can safely say that i could have gone my whole life without seeing that.... I just had a baby and i still didn't need to see that... that has 'ick' written all over it.. but thanks for the defination thought... it will help when i'm spitting out useless facts to my friends... i do that sometimes for fun

dirty said...

Very interesting...vulgar might be another word for it...nice.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Gregg O'Connell said...

useless facts are the ways people learn new things. plus cervix is very much misunderstood