Wednesday, August 16, 2006 OFFICIALLY Admits Defeat

In the public forum that is the internet. of Philadelphia, PA has officially given up, backed down, admitted defeat in our war of words on the internet.
The big bang went down yesterday when I continued to post comments on her website about how she is conceited and a whiny person (hmm haha sounds like someone else too) Some of my co-workers joined in the fight yesterday against after reading her website and seeing how crazy/annoying/conceited she really is. She may officially be worse than me in relation to internet addiction. We were posting comments and then literally 2 minutes after posting them she deleted them or edit them. She blamed me for all the comments made even though I was only to blame for the ones that showed my name.

She threatened to ban me from her website because she couldn't fight back. It was literally her and her married 20ish year old white overweight mother fans against lonely me. And she still couldn't come back with anything that was funny or interesting. The best thing they came up with is "Gregg O'Commentwhore" and I must admit that was pretty good. I may just buy the domain name.

By the end of the day banned me from her website. But this didn't last for long as she found out. I can still visit her website and post comments by connecting to her site via a proxy server.

Thanks for the easy fight and win. You showed no heart or sense of humor and the fans of your website can surely see that. I am undefeated in internet wars of words and I challenge anyone to a duel!

Bring it fans because I already brought it! ohhhhhhhhhh shooooooooot!

O'Connell Rules!



Gregg O'Connell said...

haha I'm not crazy. I just like internet conflicts. They are fun :)

plus it it bring in traffic to my site!

Anonymous said...

You are clearly the winner. Rawk on!

Gregg O'Connell said...

I feel like a winner. winning feels good in my heart, stomach and soul.

Thanks to everyone who stood by me!

Erica Ann Putis said...

You're such a computer geek.

I swear you are the next Bill Gates.

Gregg O'Connell said...

or the next WWE Champion

Gregg O'Connell said...

thanks girls! i also hope I am a Billionaire soon

Anonymous said...

Greg, You did win! Congratulations, but this time it took the help of your new crew at work: young tom, curly sue, g-man, & that guy who is always right.

Keep rackin up them dubs!

Gregg O'Connell said...

i thank God first and foremost without his guidance i wouldn't be sitting on top of the world right now or holding this trophy.

Julianne B said...

congrads and good job... that was awesome... and she even admitted that she deleted some comments... that was perfect...

Gregg O'Connell said...

Julianne: haha thats awesome im glad he at least ADMITTED IT :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

ok its fixed. you love being friends withthe enemy.