Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Flame War: RockStarMommy.com vs. GreggOConnell.com

I am in the middle of a heated "Flame War" with RockStarMommy.com. What's a flame war you ask? Well its "When an online discussion degenerates into a series of personal attacks against the debaters, rather than discussion of their positions. A heated exchange."

It all started when I began posting comments with my website address on her flickr page. She started posting back comments back to me calling me "40 year old virgin" b/c of my photoset of wrestling action figures.

When she started attacking me on flickr I ventured over to her website RockStarMommy.com to see what was going on over there. I instantly saw she was getting a shit load of comments and all of them are from her friends kissing her ass. "You're so hot" "I love your boobs" "you got a great rack" "you look fantastic in that photo". I mean come on how much ass kissing can one person handle. Damn I would kill for that kind of ass kissing but I don't get it b/c you dick4's (that's a compliment) don't post anything on my site.

I started commenting that all her fans of her site are ass kissers and that RockStarMommy is conceited and full of herself (I know I am too). Man I got flamed in every which direction. People began to threaten to hack my website, they started making website names up like "Greg-let-me-pimp-my-fucking-site-just-one-more-time-oconnel!", they also said
"Gregg O'Commentwhore is just jealous that you won't share your readers.".

I mean come on where my soldiers at? I need some help fighting these hooligans. They are all like 25 year old married lladies with kids and have been that way for a few years. Don't they have kids to take car of or asses to wipe or jobs to go to type documents at.

I hope the war continues because she's sending over some very nice traffic my way.
Thanks RockStarMommy!
Love you're newest enemy!



Anonymous said...

Dude, she's so hotter than you, so you lose.

She still won't send me any nekkid pics though.

Gregg O'Connell said...

the dude: she is not hotter than me. i am definitely better looking than her.

bridgee: i do like to run my mouth because controversy makes things happen

Anonymous said...

You lose. She's cool, down to earth, stuck with children @ home, and HOT.

I won't be visiting you again.

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm cool, down to earth, stuck with dogs @ home and HOT!

you're a loser!
nice name rizla go get eat a twizzler

Anonymous said...

i thought, wow... well at least he has five comments on this (compared to her latest 147). And turns out two of them are your own comments. RSM wins because she writes well. period. Not visiting again.

Gregg O'Connell said...

she has 147 comments b/c its like 5 comments from on there then its 142 comments of you lonely housewives kissing he rass cause you have nothing better to do except read her website and eat mayonaise

Anonymous said...

You ladies fall for it everytime....The guy is out to get a rise from you...but your lazy dumbasses are to stupid to realize it. We all know that Greggs photos of himself are the sole reason you visit this site. I myself had to visit www.rockstarmommy.com to see what her fuss is all about. i found out that shes an out of work HallMark Card Writer....BLAH!
Let me take a wild guess and say she's probably into...Butterfly tattoo's, Fairies (girly thing)and American Idol. now Bridget Cashman...theres a looker!

Gregg O'Connell said...

RSM is played out!
GSO is in play!

Anonymous said...

Well, its looks like you win because her site is offline and downloads nasty spyware onto your box.

As for everything else, she is hotter than you but I would rather stick a fork in my eye than have to live with anyone that self absorbed.

God, if your there, please save the web from suburban housewives who are grossly self absorbed and think false modesty somehow makes it so that people don't notice ...

Gregg O'Connell said...

yea it looks like someone attacked her website..

i'm not modest at all i tell the truth and there is no fabrication behind my words, thoughts or photos. i am what i am and see that on my website.

God I'm freakin awesome!