Thursday, August 17, 2006

Erica & Stowie Have Moved Out Officially

It's been a week of "official" announcements. RSM officially admitted defeat and now Erica & Stowie have officially moved out of the apartment I shared with them.

It was definitely time for Erica and I to not live with one another. We've lived together since 2002 and even after we broke up we still lived together. She was sick of me and wanted a place of her own and she found just that.

She found a place more in the inner city and it's about 15 minutes away from where I live. When I first checked out this place she moved into 2 weeks ago it had a note on the door that read "Please keep this door shut as there have been multiple burglaries in this apartment in the last few months." That would scare the shit out of me but she has decided to stick with the apartment and try it out.

I'm really going to miss her dog Stowie. I've been with him his entire 2 1/2 years of life. I'll miss his energy and kisses. I'll still see him when Erica works her 2nd job at night and drops him off but it's not the same. Him being gone makes me want to get another dog so Herbie doesn't get crazy bored.

Emily will start moving her stuff into the apartment on August 27. So until then it looks as if Herbie & I have an empty apartment all to ourselves. If you'd like to send Herbie & I get well cards you can to

Lonely & Sad,
gso + Herbie

we miss you Stow Stow!


Gregg O'Connell said...

I don't think I could live alone either. It gets lonely and boring!

You going to move to SD?

Anonymous said...

But what about the Bobos? Sybs kind of thinks she's a puppy...

Or something.

Gregg O'Connell said...

haha Sybs is a cat. A puppy will actually come to you when asked to a cat will just lay there. haha

Anonymous said...

Awww, you big crybaby... who took care of who at the draft party?

All this means is you have 9 more days to live before the gates of prison come crashing down. Act now... before its too late!


Gregg O'Connell said...

i'm looking forward to the filipino "prison" sentence i've set myself up with :)

CC = A Human Magical Treasure Hunt

Gregg O'Connell said...

i'll get married when you move in with me.

dc1904 said...

Greg will get married to the first person (male or female) who says yes to him...

Gregg O'Connell said...

isn't that what everyone waits for?

dc1904 said...

Well, some of us prefer the opposite sex, but hey if gregg wants to get on his knees for a man, who am I to stop him.

Gregg O'Connell said...
