Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Online Background Checks

I've been hearing a lot lately on the news and internet of employers doing background checks on potential employees by doing a Google search of their name and a Myspace name search to see what they come up with. They're looking for revealing photos, comments & blogs.

Obviously not everyone a company hires is a saint. People like to have fun and party. But is there partying weekend personality that shows up online in a photo gallery a good representation of the kind of worker they are? Not at all I know plenty of people that get wasted every weekend and come in Monday morning ready to kick ass and laugh at my jokes.

I would never ever want to work for a company that went that in depth with a background check. Damn if you do a online search of my name you'll come up with some interesting stuff; everything from sexy dance videos to podcasts to weird photos of me to twisted testicle stories. Does any of this show the kind of worker I am? No! I go to work and get my shit done. If a company found my website and saw something they didn't like and told me to take it down I wouldn't. It's free speech I can say and do basically whatever I want just like its their right to fire me if they'd like to over anything. I would feel like such a pussy if I bowed down to a company over my website. My website is my outlet of emotions. It's my whining board. It's my platform to express myself anyway I want. I love my website so fuck companies that do online background checks and long live Dr. Martin Luther King!

Fighting for your First Amendment,


Erica Ann Putis said...

True dat!

Gregg O'Connell said...

you love free speech and my blog!