Monday, August 28, 2006

Late Night Chatting

This is a late night chat I had on Sunday night with Justin. Justin is a friend of my cousins. They both visited me in July 2005 for some boy on boy on boy fun. We went to Sea World, museums, slept, played video games, got naked, cried, laughed & ate together. Enjoy my chat with Justin. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two from the master. Maybe you'll learn how to be a real man like me. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love gregg
hes so sexy
makes me horny

me: hey sexy Hows Em?

me: good
how r u son living the dream baby
nice cervix, i saw it hows that going for yah

me: what dream the one with you all naked

me: my life is good
broke but good
when year r u i got two years left

me: i can make u a senior im not going to kiss you because your filipino
but yes i know you can "advance me" a few years

me: i want u like a boy wants bacon how could you not

me: u should leave me a message on my comment line i read that
thought about it, but now you ruined the suprise

me: damn it
call it son
do u love me? i do

me: em moved in so did her cats
do u think i should think about u more than 2X a day? of coarse
why wouldnt you

me: i dunno
isnt it kinda creepy? never
only if you masturbate

me: oh ok
i miss us i know i do too baby
btw i got a chicksy
turns out im not gay

me: really?
who is she no lie son

me: tell me more tell me more did she put up a fight? LOL nope it was given in
nice grease ref tho

me: haha
photo? so whats new my man, currently sacked up with a girl you like/love man that sounds like an adventure and a half
foto sure

me: nice
she looks cute she is
and she is awesome

me: she's a pirate on what ship? one drawback, she is 17, but hell 3 years aint bad
lol on my ship baby

me: dont touch her!
arrested!!! lol we can touch
just two places cant
you know while nake
nake which is like naked only more innocent and pure

me: haha
dry hump son LOL
been there done that

me: do that with me we have

me: maybe we can sweat on one another duh, you got pics of that

me: pics of me and u dry humpin? i fuckin wish! not naked smiles, so is em with you right now getting hella jealous as we talk about our love?

me: shes folding my laundry lol dude shes not like ur mom is she
does she cook ur breakfast and fold ur underwear into three pieces

me: she cooks me breakfast sometimes
dude every guy wants to date their mom as long as its really not ur mom hehe nope, that would not jive with me
nor with you from what i understand

me: i would love to date u for 3 months and make a man outta u HAH, i daresay i am more masculine i dont wear pink spandex and sweats hehe

me: i stopped wearing that stuff lies

me: i love how dirty u r you made me that way
before you it was all polo and khakis now i wear grease stained leathers,
your fault

me: i'll make u eat my underwear next if u dont stop being so bad already done that too, but you didnt know
now youll always be inside me

me: thank god our love is so strong laughs
indeed praise him

me: ill praise ur cock well, i cant say thats not warranted you are just so my type if i was gay
i mean its an insignificant detail but still, its there hey gregg, change your status it says your available.... arent you all tied down now?

me: im tied down by ur love anchored more like
dude, 30 days straight... you been watching morgan spulock again?

me: of blogging u mean? roger that

me: u excited about it?
its definitely going to be special
u should let me post this conversation..its entertaining do it
i love you

me: i love ur ass you can do whatever you want with me and my words, your my tounge i love your hair

me: i love the way u move i love your eyebrow and the fact that it bridges the normal human chhasm to make 2

me: ur good with words and your tongue i know i practiced on clams when i was younger

End of chat,


dirty said...

You are a deviant Gregg.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Gregg is Gregg just like
an apple pie is a pie

dirty said...

True dat...

Anonymous said...

Just get it over with and move to hillcrest...

Gregg O'Connell said...

its too expensive

Julianne B said...

k, I'm usually really good about reading all your posts but man that one was too long for my little brain... I'm not even going to try... tell em happy b-day for me and I love the new pic... i'm headed back to bed... nite

Gregg O'Connell said...

it just looks long. It's only like 2 mins of reading.

Anonymous said...

You are really reaching for blog ideas these days....

Gregg O'Connell said...

I was in no reaching for blog ideas. I thought the conversation was funny (and it is).

I do need an idea for tonights blog though any ideas?

dirty said...

I have no idea myself...I say you just promote how hot you are over and over and over and over...that usually goes over well for other people.

Gregg O'Connell said...

i can't do that cause i'm only kind of sexy. my sexiness has limits.
sometimes i wish i were a lady cause ladies are sexy!

Anonymous said...

I bet you have to close your eyes tight and think of a young man's asshole when u have sex w ur gf.

Gregg O'Connell said...

don't get mad at me cause i don't think about you son!