Sunday, August 13, 2006

Karaoke is DEFINITELY for Asians

On Friday night a co-worker of mine threw a little get together at her house after work. First off she is Asian, Filipino to be exact and was born in the Philippines. And as you know Asian people LOVE karaoke. They sing it at bars, parties, alone at their house.

So on Friday my co-worker friend Angelica had us over for dinner and karaoke. I had never been to a party that had karaoke as the main form of entertainment. I got there and another one of my co-workers was singing at the top of her lungs some cheesy adult love song. You know one of those songs that makes you want to kill yourself. Something Vanessa Williams might sing.

As the night went on more and more cheesy love songs were sung by my Asian counterparts. You would never find a white American family singing karaoke in their living room passing the microphone back and forth between family members. White people are very up tight in regards to singing/dancing unless they are intoxicated. Asian people can sit around karaoking (I think I made this word up) all night screaming out that their heart is broken from a lover that hurt them so bad that they can't bare to live another day so they just want to die. Those kind of songs are Asian favorites!

I made a complete mockery of the whole thing. Seth and I were dueting on songs both of us could barely sing. We sang Y.M.C.A by The Village People, Superstition by Stevie Wonder, Power of Love by Huey Lewis & many more songs. By the end of the night my voice was shot and my pride was bruised. Well ok my pride wasn't bruised but I did have a lot of fun singing karaoke in someone's living room with a bunch of people watching. It's definitely much easier and fun dueting on songs. I'd feel like a complete asshole and shy if I was singing alone. Karaoke is hard!

So I've come to the conclusion that "Karaoke is DEFINITELY for Asians". It seems more fitting to the lifestyle they lead. You know white rice, fish & karaoke go very well together. White people can stick to sporting programs & buffalo wings as party entertainment.

I don't think personally I would ever get a karaoke machine for my house to use at parties but I would definitely join in on one if it were at a party. The next party I go to will probably be like a year from now since I don't like people or parties. So please so one please throw a karaoke party so I can attend and dance and sing the night away like a young Asian girl.

Sing! Sing! Sing!


Anonymous said...

What did the Oklahoma Bomb Squad do after they blew up the state building? they "carry Okies!"

Git it Git It? they carry okies!
Damn I kill myself.

Gregg O'Connell said...

you're definitely a killer

Anonymous said...

Actually, karaoke is apparently for Filipinos. We need to get you a Magic Mic (ask your talagang pinoy co-workers about them; they're karaoke mics you plug directly into the TV that even include old Filipino songs.)


Gregg O'Connell said...


haha that what they used was "Magic-Mic" that thing is funny. It was filled with Filipino songs. I sang 2 Filipino songs. I should try out for Filipino Idol

Kait said...

*raises hand* Actually... My very white bread family has been known to sit around and sing karaoke. And I have the Karaoke revolution for Nintendo... and have got platinum ratings on a few of the songs *hangs head in shame*

Gregg O'Connell said...

are you sure you're not even a little bit asian?