Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Cats Have Arrived!

In Emily's on going process of moving into my apartment with me she took one giant leap forward and dropped off her kitty cats. Their names are Pilikia & Sybil just in case I use them in future episodes of videos or blog entries.

On the way back from picking them up from her apartment and bringing them here the cats were going crazzzzzzzzzy. For like 20 minutes straight they meowed/cried. My vocal chords would be shot if I made the same sound for 20 minutes straight. Thank God I only last 3 minutes in bed.

Upon arriving at our house they met the infamous Herbie Schnauzenberg. They immediately hid in a corner so Herbie couldn't get them. Herbie huffed and puffed trying to get a whiff of their sweet soft fur. When he started barking at them they furred up and hissed at my little man. It's not that Herbie wants to bite them or even play with them he just wants to smell them and see who they really are under all that fur. I love smelling things does that make me a dog too?

Emily setup this barrier 4 boxes across 2 boxes high and while Emily was in there Herbie some how jumped over all the boxes ad knocked over some water in the process. Herbie is very persistent (like me). Herbie is not a daring dog and for him to jump over something not knowing what's on the other side is very out of the ordinary for him.

So we're hoping with time and loving care that Herbie, Pilikia & Sybil can all live in harmony one day. It may be 4 weeks or 4 years from now but harmony will prevail. Harmony is so sweet especially when we have gang members shooting innocent civilians while they are at the ice cream truck getting one of those plastic ice cream cones with the gumball at the bottom. Now that shit is whack and unharmonious!



Julianne B said...

ummmm... good luck with that?

Gregg O'Connell said...

thx i probably need it. cats n dogs are nuts together

Unknown said...

get the batting cage ready

Gregg O'Connell said...

the batting cage is already installed. Herbie is the pitcher

dirty said...

That picture is priceless.

Gregg O'Connell said...

so is Niagara Falls. The photo and Niagara Falls have that in common "Priceless"

Anonymous said...

Pssh. The girls are WAY cuter than the ones in that picture.

Gregg O'Connell said...

are u sure? these cats are pretty damn cute