Monday, August 14, 2006

Saint's Row

As you all know I love video games. I waited like 17 hours in line in November 2005 in order to get an Xbox 360 for launch. There's been a few good games for Xbox 360 but mostly a lot of them have been mediocre games. Saint's Row is basically a carbon copy of Grand Theft Auto except a little more raunchy. I've played the demo and it's an awesome game.

In Saint's Row you can smoke weed & drink alcohol. When you take in these adult drugs the screen gets blurry. If you intake too much of that stuff you start to throw up. I love doing things I did when I was 14 years old. You really can't beat driving around in a car hitting random people or driving head on into another car and watching that car flip over. You can run up to people on the street and shoot them in the head or beat them down with a baseball bat. It's super violent but very fun. Violence is always fun when there are no consequences.

I'm the last person in the world to hit someone haha but to be able to do it in virtual reality is a lot of fun. Video games don't make people violent - they way they were brought up and the experiences they went through growing up makes them a violent person.

Love is God,


Julianne B said...

thanks for the tip... my husband will love it... thank you.. and your right RSD does just have a bunch of ass kissers over there... and my rack is better then her's...

Julianne B said...

typo... i meant RSM... not RSD sorry

Gregg O'Connell said...

the RSM fanclub are looking for a hero and RSM isn't it. I'm a hero everyone can look up to. I have qualities rarely seen in human beings.

if you're rack is better than RSM than share it with the world.

Gregg O'Connell said...

she isn't nice to me. she treats me to like shiznit! All of her "Suck Ups" treat me like crap as well.

I'm back into a corner forced to fight my way out with just my words on my blog and my new BFF Julianne B

Gregg O'Connell said...

bridgee i luh you do you luh me? leave me a message

Gregg O'Connell said...

people who post comments as "anonymous" are lame!

show your face dick4

Anonymous said...

RSM? Is she Bo Bice's Wife? SHe might be cool to her friends and internet fans...but come on now, must you feel the need to delete peoples comments. I do think Ive seen her on Kazaa (a brief BJ video)....I could bet money it was her. And by the looks of the video...shes no rock star...but a regular groupie. Peace in the Middle East!

Gregg O'Connell said...

right on!