Saturday, October 14, 2006

Don't Drink The Water

For all of you that work in an office you know what goes on around the water cooler. Some water coolers contain clean fresh cold spring water and others contain cold filtered tap water. Conversations of who you can't stand and who can't stand you. Telling tales of the sexually explicit things you did the night before with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Some people even go to the water cooler as an excuse to stop working. I know I've done that a few times.

The other things that go down at the water cooler are people actually getting water to drink. This brings us to the topic at hand and that is "Water Cooler Germs". The correct way to get water from the water cooler is using a cup and not letting the tap hit any part of the cup. What most people use and do to get water is they use a water bottle that they have previously drank from. They put the tap inside the bottle and fill it up. This is fucking disgusting and thus stopped me from getting water from my workplace water cooler. Think of all the unnecessary germs that are spreading into society. This is one major reason that people at work get others sick. What if some guy/girl was blowing some guy the night before and the blowee had an STD. The blower then used her water bottle at the company water cooler and filled it up. You're basically blowing the guy too since you both are using the same water tap.

Help me stop workplace water cooler germs by using a cup and not a bottle. I really don't like thinking I kissed your 62 year old hairy overweight smelly husband just because I drank a little water from the cooler. If you insist on using a bottle then wash the damn thing with Palmolive. No one wants to share your herpes from your upper lip.



Erica Ann Putis said...

Can anyone say germ-a-phob? Make sure you open all doors with your sleeve too.

Gregg O'Connell said...

germs are everywhere and i'm just doing my part not to spread them...ewwww

Julianne B said...

thank you erica...

Gregg O'Connell said...

nothing wrong with being crazy..

is there?

dc1904 said...

It's still better than drinking the water in Mexico.