Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Great Pumpkin Ghost

Horror movies are usually ridiculous but they do the job of scaring us very well. If the movie is scary enough people will tell their fat head friends about it. This makes for good word of mouth publicity. Well I'm trying to create the same thing here except this isn't a horror movie it's real and it can kill you. Let me save your life...please!

You're probably saying "Gregg what the fuck are you talking about?" I'm talking about the dreaded infamous unknown killer "Pumpkin Ghost" Do you know how many people have choked and died while sucking on a mouthful of salty pumpkin seeds? Cause I don't know...

The pumpkin ghost feeds on mini-schnauzer dogs and humans. Once eaten by the Pumpkin Ghost you become a ghost yourself. You not only spend eternity as a ghost but also are stuck behind the Pumpkin Ghost in ever single photo taken of the Pumpkin Ghost. It's a sad reality but it's one reality that we as a society must live with. It's sad but true. It's hard but it's fair. It's tough but that's life.

There is only one way to protect yourself from the Pumpkin Ghost. Teenagers are the only ones that can defeat him. They pick him up and hold him above their heads then smash him to the ground. He must break into multiple pieces or else he will haunt your dreams forever!!!

Also don't even try to create your own Pumpkin Ghost because I'll sue your ass for copyright infringement! Even though I didn't carve him or create him. I'll sue you for enough to get the new Playstation 3 & Nintendo Wii and a few of the games!

So this Halloween when you are trick or treating or if you're just looking to raise some hell smash every pumpkin you see and send me the photo of it. I'll post it on my website so our society can sleep a little better at night knowing that their is one less killer off the streets.

Pumpkin Ghost photoset

Thanks & God Bless you all!
Now go do your part!


Julianne B said...

sweetie... you need help...

Gregg O'Connell said...

he'll haunt your dreams!!!!!

Julianne B said...

ha.... he can try but i've already got something haunting me and I think it's last nights supper. but he can give it a try if he wants

Erica Ann Putis said...

This was a really bad story... I was hoping for a better story line if it's not going to be real... Damn you are slacking.

Erica Ann Putis said...

But that is a pretty cool looking pumpkin that Emily carved. Pumpkin=cool, story=lame.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Julianne: that is TMI...i dont need to kow that you have pooh in your belly!!! ewwwww

Erica: it was a god story. don't get all jealous cause you can't write stories like ME!

Erica Ann Putis said...

So God wrote that story? I guess it's ok then.

Gregg O'Connell said...

it's in the bible dude you should've already read it!

Julianne B said...

again.. sweetie.. you need help.. on so many differnt levels.

Gregg O'Connell said...

but me needing help is like
watching a train wreck. i'm so fucked up that you want to see what happens next even though its so disturbing...right?

Julianne B said...

yea ok.. got me there...

Anonymous said...

It's the whole dating Greg part that makes you weird. :p

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm as normal as everyone else. the difference is i say whats no my mind and the others dont

Anonymous said...

What's on your mind is NOT what is on everyone elses...

Gregg O'Connell said...

how do you know?

Anonymous said...

Because people routinely make fun of you for what you're thinking/talking about...

Gregg O'Connell said...

damn those people!!!!
i hope the pumpkin ghost gets them!!!