I'm thinking of putting up a "word verification" code in order to comment that way those mofo's can't automate spam onto my virgin website. They've been posting shit like this:
" Hi. Good work!
Visit my site phentermine
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I had no idea what "Phentermine" was until I looked it up. It's a drug that lowers your appetite. What person in their right mind woud honestly buy drugs from a link that some cock sucker posted on my blog?!?! The person that would is probably an overweight 35 year old female that reads my blog because she saw something that I wrote on RSM's blog. She feels like her life is over and needs a change because RockStarMommy makes her feel ugly because RockStarMommy is a attention whore and needs to take obscene raunchy photos. That is the person that would click on a blog spammers comment on my blog.
I've also been getting this one as well
" Hi Thanks for information!
cheap viagra online
What information is the spammer talking about? What kind of info did I possibly give him? My blog provides no information about "Viagra" the sexual enhancement drug for men. If anything my blog provides readers with an occasional laugh every week or so. So maybe they are selling Viagra to dudes that have very small penises before an erection. When they take Viagra they have a constant boner making it seem like they have a bigger penis than they really do? It's really just an illusion and the girl is tricked making the guy a modern day Penis Houdini!
Dear Blog Spammers,
Feel free to write any comments you'd like except for trying to sell drugs that everyone else on the internet sells. Who doesn't want to be skinny or have a boner all day? I know I do! BUT and that's a capitalized "BUT" why not try selling roasted peanuts or salted sunflower seeds? I love me some nuts and I know that if a blog spammer posted links on where to buy some premium nuts then I'd be all over that like an Asian girl on a white guy!
It's true - you do like your nuts.
ha ha queerbait!
dude don't you have a company xmas party to go to?
thats why i have word verification on mine... I didn't need any viagra either.
I have been getting a ton of those too...not happy
I think there is a special place in hell for people who try to hock Viagra online. It's right next to those telemarketing assholes who call in the middle of dinner or wake up the baby and then offer to "lower your mortgage."
julianne: actually viagra increases women's sexual appetites!
punky: let's try and sue them so we can have all their viagra and start selling it on our own websites!
qofd: it's called cancel your landline and get a cellphone :)
I don't need an increase in my sexual appetite.. thankx.. my husband is wore out as it is
julianne: then why does he keep emailing me for dirty talk?!?!?
cahly: a landline is a phoneline that uses telephone wires...
I get over a 100 spam comments a day, which is more than the number of people that actually view my site anymore. I get the usual get hard/get skinny ones as well as the teen girl upskirt, wife rape, cruise lines, and many, many other spam comments that all seem to take me to some porn site or another...not that I go there or anything...although I did get an ABBA mp3 spammer today that was pretty awesome...
My favorites are the ones that have a conversation with you and then slip it in at the end, like "Nice site, good design, try my viagra" or even the, "Not much going on today, just been busy working, I'll get back to you with my answer later, teen/wife/threesome/hardcore porn action." Am I the only one that gets those?
linnedates: wow 100 spam comments a day?!?! that's amazing and aggravating! You should have a contest where whoever posts the most spam comments in one day gets a date with you but the stipulation is they can never spam your site ever again after the date!
You'd knock off one spammer at a time until you had no spammers!
There's only 1 thing Gregg likes more than nuts... salted nuts!
Come on over anytime and get a lick.
I'm like a cow I love myself a "salt lick"
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