Friday, December 22, 2006

Have Yourself a Merry Greggmas!

Hey Peeps,

I wish to the stars that all of you have a wonderful enchanting fun filled Christmas! I might not be blogging until after Christmas so if I don't, then just read my archives in order to get your "gregg fix". I hope you get all the sex toys, massage oils & drug paraphernalia you're little achie breaky heart desires!

Merry Christmas,

Gregory Shane O'Connell


Kevin Weil said...

Merry Christmas to you too, sir.

Punky said...

Merry Christmas guys!!!

Anonymous said...

amy lynn is me...dont know why i posted amy lynn...any way

merry Christmas from the east coast!

Gregg O'Connell said...

merry xmas kevin and two favorite east coasters!!!

Erica Ann Putis said...

Merry X-mas to you and your fellow men.

Dan said...

Merry Christmas Gregg!

Now to more important things ... who's the babe in the photo dude?

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: hmm what fellow men?

dan: she is just one of adoring fans. you can find her website at

dc1904 said...

I think I saw you over by San Jose driving that Civic.

You were the dude driving 50 on the freeway all up close to the steering wheel, right?


It feels good to be back in San Diego, huh? There ain't nuthin like it.

Julianne B said...

from the not so beautiful snow covered country side of Alberta Canada... Merry Christmas

Gregg O'Connell said...

captain: nah man I like the bay area better to be honest with you...its prettier and the people are more my style

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: god bless you

Anonymous said...

my ears were are you silly face?

Gregg O'Connell said...

punky: you should've worn ear plugs!

I'm good..I don't feel like going back to work though b/c I'm so used to being on vacation :(

Anonymous said...

I went back yesterday...but i only lasted 3 hours,then i took off to hang out with friends that have the week off(lucky)

Gregg O'Connell said...

it'd be nice to get christmas vacation like the school kids

dc1904 said...

U like the Bay cuz it reminds you of the east coast. San Fran. is like an east coast city on the west coast... It's nice but it rains a lot more and is colder and more windy!

Maybe you liked it cuz the large gay community? You fit in better.