Friday, December 29, 2006

Fucking New Years!

Is anyone with me on what the big fucking deal is with New Years? It actually kind of annoys me. I don't drink, so that kind of kills the drunken stupidity acts and champagne at midnight. I won't be looking to cool sucking down a 32 oz bottle of Mango Passion Gatorade as the build up to the midnight hour arrives. I'd probably be better off holding an adult beverage and then pouring a little out every so often when no one is looking to give the illusion that I have been drinking the whole night!

Hanging out with massive amounts of drunk college frat meat heads & adult drunken corporate fucks is not my idea of a good time. I hate being squished like a Subway sandwich when you start asking for too many vegetables in your sandwich. I'd rather be on my couch/laptop sucking down a freezing cold bottle of spring water, watching MTV and thinking to myself "God, I can't stand that band! They try so hard to be sooooooooooooo cool".

Forget about the retarded New Years hats, kazoos & horrendous slutty outfits that the girls wear. OK so the slutty outfits the girls wear are cool but the hats and kazoos are lamer than an RSM fan. New Years is just another day, so if New Years is so special why don't you blow your kazoo every day you get to work "HAPPY TUESDAY EVERYONE!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOO" You wouldn't because you'd like George Bush trying to tell us that the war with Iraq is a good thing.

Happy New Year and a fruitful 2007 to you as well!



Erica Ann Putis said...

You are so controversial and edgy.

Gregg O'Connell said...

you really think so? thanks!

it's what i was going

Anonymous said...


You're so funny when you pretend to be angry about something!

Erica Ann Putis said...

Oh - you couldn't hear the sarcasm in my voice?

Gregg O'Connell said...

qOFd: motherhood sounds like a blast of social fun!

anonymous: I know aren't I? It's very becoming of me isn't it?

erica: I didn't know you knew how to be sarcastic being from Vermont and all!

Gregg O'Connell said...

QofD: you can come to my New Years party as long as you like Gatorade, dogs, cats & Filipinos