Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My Top 10 Albums of 2006

My list is in no particular order except for maybe backwards alphabetically, so here is my top albums for the year of 2006! Every year I do my top albums my former drummer and still friend Dave analyzes my list and sends me an email or comment "GREGG THAT ALBUM BLAH BLAH WAS RELEASED LAST YEAR!!! YOU CAN'T PUT THAT IN YOUR TOP ALBUMS OF THE YEAR!!!" Ha ha so Dave please look over my list and please inform me of what isn't correct and which album I have on here that sucks or that you like! Hell that goes for everyone of you peeps!



The Streets - The Hardest Way to Make a Living
Mat Kearney - Nothing Left to Lose
The Long Winters - Putting The Days To Bed
The Lemonheads - The Lemonheads
Josh Rouse - Subtitulo
Hotel Lights - Hotel Lights
Hot Chip - The Warning
Greg Laswell - Through Toledo
Ben Kweller - Ben Kweller
Angels & Airwaves - We Don't Need To Whisper

Honorable Mentions
The Whitest Boy Alive - Dreams
BT - This Binary Universe
Phoenix - It's Never Been Like That

What are your top albums of 2006?



Julianne B said...

So who wants to know how boring I am... neer heard of these guys... any of them.... and Gregg I got a wall mounting stero from the hubby... check the site if you want to see a pic

Anonymous said...

man i totally forgot about that lemonheads album, that one might have snuck onto my list.
i'm a few years late with the streets. this year i really got into "a grand don't come for free", i'll have to check out the new one soon.
fine list though my good man.


Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: what bands do you like?

dave: "dave approved" i feel much better!

dc1904 said...

I'd have to say "NO" to Angels and Airwaves. It's just Blink with conspiracy theories. They honestly think 911 was made up and have no problem telling everyone their crazy ideas.

This takes away from any enjoyment one can have with their music.

Musical Critic Capn

Gregg O'Connell said...

Capn: The A&A album is top notch pop punk mixed with U2 and gotta love it!

I though 9-11 was setup by Bush?!?!?

Gregg O'Connell said...

jessica: that song wasnt really my style...seems kinda too modern rock ;(