Friday, December 08, 2006 Visits

Droppin' Bows On Yuh! Home Alone (Adult) Movie Star Wave Accepting An Oscar Very Flattering Photo of Both of us The Murder Weapon Oral Excercises The Last Supper Burnt Pizza Perfect Pizza Spinach Dip minus the glass inside Queerbait RoboGirl Rochester What What! French Eyes & Erica Putis Dental Girl

My electricity is finally back on after being out for over 24 hours. Living without electricity really sucks. It reminds me of how the "Little House on the Praire" people used to live. I loved the show but I'd hate to live during that time period. How the hell would I check my email?!?!?

Thank God my blog buddy Amy aka came to California this week.
Punky had seen one of my dance videos about a year ago and has been a big fan ever since. We decided to meet up on Thursday at PB Bar & Grill in Pacific Beach. I really thought she was going to be a party girl who drank like a mad woman but I was pleasantly surprised to find out she's totally laid back, nice as pie, sweet as cake & as kind as a tulip. She brought her two friends Carly & Mark. They also were very cool like cucumbers. I brought my posse of Erica & Emily. Mark's friend Renee showed up a short time later.

The dude Mark ordered some spinach dip and as he was eating it found a good sized piece of glass in the dip. It was so big that if he had eaten it accidentally he probably would have bled very badly. So he told the waitress and by the time we got the bill they charged us like $35 for an $80 bill. So it seems pay to have glass in your food.

After the fiasco with the food at PB Bar & Grill we headed over to The Tavern. Everyone has a few drinks but before I knew it I had to go home and get ready for bed. I said by goodbye with some hugs and high fives.

So to my girl Punky it was terrificly splendid meeting you and your friends and I hope we get to hangout in the future.



Julianne B said...

glad you ot your power back on.. yea.. not having it really does suck.. any way good to hear you and punky had a good time.. I have had a disasteres week... talk to you later

Gregg O'Connell said...

when are you coming to visit? i want to have milk and cookies with you!

Julianne B said...

Maybe next year.. and sweetie it better be a beers and a burger... I don't do cokkies and milk anymore.. wel I do if i'm in my flannel jammies watching bridget jones.. but that is something that i do at home.. not while i'm on vaction.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for not telling everyone how lame I really am. Cant wait to get back to ma to post about my im such dork

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: what about if i dont drink?
can i still try and get you wasted so i can take advantage of your blogging mind?

punky: haha you're not lame! Californians are lame!

dc1904 said...

That girl seems totally like a friend of yours.... very dorky.

But on the plus side, it appears she likes to put things in her mouth.


Santa MO

Gregg O'Connell said...

what do you know about putting things in your mouth?