Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Come on Tim let me in, it's Freezing out here!!!

When I was a kid my brother used to constantly play beat me up. He is 8 years older than me so when I was 9 years old he was 17. I'm glad I can laugh at it now but back then he tormented me. When my mom used to go out for the night my brother and sister used to watch me. My mom would leave and my brother would start to sing "I think we're alone now" you know that Debbie Gibson song? Ha ha I used to scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIM LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T WANNA GET BEAT UP" He'd start punching me in my arm and slamming me on the couch. I'm not aggressive physically at all so I wouldn't even fight back. Mostly because I was scared that if I did he would beat me up more but also because I didn't want to hurt him. I'm such a sensitive fuck aren't I?

Sounds like abuse huh? ha ha. It wasn't that bad. The funniest thing I can remember him doing to me is when I'd get out of the shower, dry off, throw some He-Man underwear on & go downstairs. He'd pick me and throw me outside. Then he'd lock the door and point at me while I was outside in the freezing cold New England winter with only my underwear on. I;d then start yelling "COOOOOOOMMME TIM LET ME IN IT'S FREEEEEEEEEEEEZING OUT HERE"
My ankles would start cramping up from the cold, I began shivering but before hypothermia set in he'd let me in and I'd have to go stand next to the heater to warm up.

Being a kid ain't all that bad ;P
How were you tormented as a child?



Anonymous said...

Ah the good old days....I think Tim tried to light me and melissa on fire a few times too.... =P

Anonymous said...

I was an only child so I was never tormented. My 3 year old is trying to wipe a booger on his sister right now...

I think that is pretty funny.

Gregg O'Connell said...

kevin: ha ha I remember that. I'm glad you're alive! :P

dirty: that's nothing compared ot the hell I went through. My blog is here to get all the crazy's out of my head frommy child hood! hah

Anonymous said...

My brother would tease me soooo much. It made him really excited almost like when you get people mad and love it. He would do lots of mean stuff but speaking of winter he would fight with me to pull of my socks (they would be compleatly stretched out by the time he stole them) then throw them outside in the snow and make me get them with no shoes on. :( Tramatized for life. Haha...

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: i can't he's still stronger than me..i'm a serious pussy

erica: you'd be tramatized if the wind blewa different direction than it usually does..you're a sensitive little biotch! ouch!

Julianne B said...

fine... I'll do it.

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: you're such a hero to us gay guys

Anonymous said...

We used to play William Tell. Only we didn't have apples and arrows, so we improvised with small pebbles and my dad's crossbow.

Gregg O'Connell said...

i love playing with gala apples

Anonymous said...

I'm still afraid of fire and sharp objects because of Timmy!!

Gregg O'Connell said...

melissa are you old enough to be on my website?

Unknown said...

this explains a lot. ha ha.(Of course my lil bro & I used to beat the everlivin'crap out of each other too. maybe its a southshore thing...)

Unknown said...

dude speak for yourself!

Gregg O'Connell said...

you're pretty wimpy come on admit it