Monday, December 11, 2006

What Would You Do For A Pearl Necklace?

Nooooooooo, I'm not talking about the kind of pearl necklaces that women get in adult films even though that kind of pearl necklace is near and dear to my neck I mean heart as well. I'm talking about the freaking pearl necklace that I got from the Ellen Show that didn't sell on Ebay. Sure I overpriced it originally when I listed by over $700 extra. So I relisted it for only $100 and it still didn't sell! Doesn't anyone like pearl necklaces anymore besides 60 year old women and porn stars?!?!?

The necklace is from and here is a description of the necklace. So ladies and gents my question to you is what will you do to earn this pearl necklace? You can send me something via mail, email or just do something crazy as a kind of trade. No one will buy this necklace so I want to do something cool and give you a "pearl necklace".

I'll mail you necklace and pay for the shipping charges!

So come on what will you do for my pearl necklace? Do something fucking crazy!!!



dc1904 said...

For a pearl necklace from Gregg, I would.... make a porn video with someone you know and let you watch it and write a blog about it.


santa mo

Julianne B said...

I'd love to have the necklace... I Love pearls.. I gave all my bridesmaids pearl necklaces for my wedding... But i'm a married woman with a kid living in Alberta Canada.. my idea of excitment is when the garbage truck shows up before noon...

Gregg O'Connell said...

Captain: who's the other person????

julianne: hmm work on what you will do for the necklace i dont think i want to watch a video of you waiting for the dump truck :)

erica: she HATE pearls..she only likes "pearl necklaces" :P

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: you can either send me $200 or send em an awesome pick or something else?

Gregg O'Connell said...

what about a gift certificate card?!?!? to gap?

well lets wait though and see what the best offer i get is...ok? :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

haha you'd love for me to give you a "pearl necklace"
ewwwww haha

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: oh ya thats right.."cyber mom" haha than double ewwww with what i said haha

Gregg O'Connell said...

You get a pearl necklace if you have the best offer :)

or an autographed headshot of me

Gregg O'Connell said...

you're so cheap ..come on up it!

Gregg O'Connell said...

whats an extra $200 ON TOP OP $2100?!??! it's like a few pennies

Gregg O'Connell said...

get food stamps so you can eat...

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm holding off negotatians with you until I get some more offers :)

Anonymous said...

Have you thought about contacting a charity and offering to give the necklace to them? Most charities hold silent auctions at some point during they year and could probably use it.

Yeah, I know. I suck at this stuff.

I'd do the chicken dance for you, but I would do that even if you weren't giving me a necklace.

Anonymous said...

Just drape it over your Wii...

Anonymous said...

You should be a do-gooder and give it to a charity. I would be very impressed if you did that. It might make you feel all warm inside too.

Gregg O'Connell said...

qofd: send me a video of you doing the chicken dance so i can post it on my website please

kevin: hmmm my Wii is male and if he wore the pearls that might infer that he is a homosexual.

erica: i'll donate him to the charity of

dc1904 said...


Not sure, but she can't be fugly.
Got anyone in mind? HAHA...

Santa Mo (aka captain mo)

Julianne B said...

I'll send you a video of Jason doing some really cool junps on his quad!!! will that out me in the running

Anonymous said...

You name it...maybe I'll do it.

Anonymous said...

I want to know what your ideal trade would be? Name something besides money that would seal the deal.

Gregg O'Connell said...

captain: hmm she must be asian cause you got yellow fever...hmm leslie?

julianne: thats going to cut the cheese...keep trying

jryli: what about a gift card to Gap?

Anonymous said...

Boring!!! Instead of saying Do something crazy, you should have said, yuppy gift cards and we'll talk!

Anonymous said...

You like Gap that much?

Gregg O'Connell said...

it's not that I love Gap that much I just need to get some clothes....I like Macy's as well :)

jryil: yuppy gift cards!

Anonymous said...

Just give me the necklace already...

Gregg O'Connell said...

ok want a gift card to either

Simon Malls

how much are you willing to give?
Today is the last day I'm trading so make your offers today!!!

Anonymous said...

What if I just paypal you $40...or I buy you a game for your Wii?

Anonymous said...

You should give it to your mother...what a great gift that would be for her.

Gregg O'Connell said...

$40 ain't enough..

I'm looking for at least $100 :)

..if no one trades with me it goes to mommy

Anonymous said...

I think you should give it to your mommy anyways. Or Erica...she seems nice.

Gregg O'Connell said...

i already got erica xmas present..

i think you should mail me a $100 gift card!

come on be a sport

Anonymous said...

I would...I'm running low on cash. Pay-day is Friday.

Gregg O'Connell said...

i can wait til friday :)

Anonymous said...

We'll see...

Anonymous said...

I'm going shopping today. My oldest kid turned 8.

Gregg O'Connell said...

coool just pick up my gift card and when you get back ill email you my mailing address and you do the same :)

Anonymous said...

We'll depends on my bank book after kiddo shopping. I'll let you know in the morning. I won't be online anymore today.

dc1904 said...


No they don't have to be asian. Leslie is def. a NO! She's my friend but also her bf is Seth's buddy.

Santa Mo

Gregg O'Connell said...

is she in account transfers?

dc1904 said...

Your a dummy. You suggested her and then you ask me where she works???


Gregg O'Connell said...

i meant what dept does she work in

dc1904 said...

UR still a dummy. I told you you could choose. You know where leslie works and i said no for her...

Roll out on sat. hoe

Gregg O'Connell said...

captain: hmm i that girl from my department that used to always talk to you?