Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Germans Slap Happy Dancing Fight (Video + Photos)

Believe it or not I actually went outside last night. I'm talking out into the world not a virtual one or an indoor restaurant. My friend Bill, his girlfriend Michelle, Emily & I went to December Nights in Balboa Park.

It's basically just this festival that celebrates the different foods around the world & kicks off the holiday season. They used to call it Christmas Nights but the people that aren't Christian got mad and demanded a change. People are so sensitive it's so fucking cheezie! Get over it! If you don't like it make up your own festival!

Click here for December Nights photos

On our way out of the Beer Garden we saw these German people dancing up on stage. As I started to walk by them I realized that they were actually slapping and hitting one another in the face. Then they make these crazy sounds like Ric Flair "Woooooooooooo" So you hear them saying "wooooooooo" and you also hear their slaps against one another's faces. It's easy one of the funniest most entertaining videos I've seen in 4 to 5 weeks!



Julianne B said...

sounds like alot fun.... I would have loved to be there for the food

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: I can't be a German Slap Dancer b/c I'm already a Fly Girl.

julianne: there was tons of ethnic food and beer! you could've been an ethnic lush!

Julianne B said...

I was also thinking off all the booze.. now i'm a lush

Anonymous said...

J-lo was a fly girl... Don't you steal my idol away from me.

Unknown said...

Are you going to give us a lil fly girl/European Vacation dance video for xmas? lol

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: where do you think i got my girly booty?

youmissme: I'm going to at least get the tights and underwear they wore and do a photo shoot

dc1904 said...

I was there too sat nite! Surprised you made it outside after the sun went down.

There's nuthin better than old dudes slappin and kicking one another.

Gregg O'Connell said...

you can't handle German guys on a stage fighting