Sunday, December 10, 2006

Brazilian Girls Dancing Dirty Video & Family Fun Photos!

My Family Chick Magnet The Schnauzer Statue Inside my Honda My Valet Jacket Full Valet Jacket Sweet Herbie Fish Tongue The Get Away from me Kiss Eskimo Kissing Father & Son "I'm so over it" Copying all the girls in Flickr One Cool Dude One Excited Dude Filipino Pose Papa's Boy

This is kind of a two part blog. I stress the words "kind of" only because the family photos is basically us getting ready to go to Emily's Christmas party. The video of the Brazilian girls dancing dirty is from that party. I'm trying to add in some heterosexual sex appeal to my website. Enough with the gay innuendos and more Tits and Ass. Am I right or am I right?

Part I:
Since Emily and I got dressed up I wanted to take a few photos of us since we are usually just laying around the house in pajamas all day. I'm usually in my very unsexy oversized sagging to my knee sweatpants and hooded sweatshirt. While Emily is adorned in her pajama pants with reindeer print. All I know is we looked sexy and felt like we could have sex with anyone in the room including each other. At least that's how I felt anyway!

Emily was dressed in a skirt and blouse that she bought at Express earlier in the day. Along with a pair of expensive shoes that purchased at Mervyn's earlier in the day. I was outfitted in a Ben Sherman button up shirt along with some classic black knit pants and black shoes.

Part II:
Emily's company Christmas party was held at the Museum of Man in Balboa Park. It was a cool place to have a Christmas party except for the fact that you had to walk all over the place to get food, drinks, dessert & appetizers. The food tasted really good. I had prime rib with mashed potatoes. The thing that sucked about the food is there wasn't much variety and everyone knows how I love trying new and different kinds of food. I'm being sarcastic there which you probably didn't realize. I am plain Jane when it comes to food.

They had these Brazilian people as entertainment. The Brazilians that caught my attention were the scantly clad Brazilian girl dancers. Their outfits were magnificent as were their preteen bodies. Ha ha just kidding they had adult bodies.

Just watch the video and try not to get to turned on by their tan wet naked bodies!



Gregg O'Connell said...

you demand so much from me dirty!
nothing i do ever pleases you and that hurts my insides!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't take it that way...I was saying that your white, hairy body has nothing on the sexy dancers...

Gregg O'Connell said...

oh ok :)

Anonymous said...

See? I do love you!

Gregg O'Connell said...

I love you too..but in motherly kinda it ok if i call you "mom"?

Anonymous said...

Of course...I will be your internet "Mom"...I'd be honored...I love you, son...

Anonymous said...

That video was awesome!!! I love that song...That should have been the real video for that song. Totally made my day. :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: thanks "internet mom"
or "cyber mom"? which is better?

erica: you love when I make your day! you can't handle winter in the hamptons with brazilian girls dancing!

Anonymous said...

Cyber Mom sounds swell...Cyber Son...

Gregg O'Connell said...

emily: it also kind of sounds like a software program that blocks kids from visiting certain websites :)

Julianne B said...

rhats what i thought when i first heard 'cyber mom'.. looks like you had a good time...

Gregg O'Connell said...

I would have had even more fun if you had been there with me eating a burger and drinking a beer

Julianne B said...

totally.... I make any party more fun

Gregg O'Connell said...

you also make every blog more fun

Julianne B said...

ahhhh..... your making me blush