Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Los Altos = The Tall = Christmas in The Bay Area

San Francisco's Towering Buildings Big Big San Francisco Buildings Herbie & Gregg Puppa & Gregg Philly & Gregg Watching out for the terds Sea Lions More Sea Lions Peace, Love, Emily, Herbie @ Gap Lombard Street Pretty Pretty Buildings Shower Clean! San Francisco Treat

I'm back from my 4 Christmas vacation to the Bay Area & I'm exhausted. I'm also probably like 7 lbs heavier too because of all the food I stuffed into my mouth. It took 7 hours to drive one way. The drive was really boring on the way up because we took the 5 the whole way and our scenery for it was fog, bald hills & mass amounts of cows.

We arrived in Sunnyvale at 12pm on Saturday December 23. Sunnyvale is pretty cool, it's very suburbia but with a lot of places to go shopping and places to eat. At 3pm after hanging out at Emily's parents house, we checked into our luxurious hotel room at the Sheraton. Our hotel room was so pimped out it had a huge bed, shower, free shampoo and conditioner, unlimited white towels & a 27 inch TV! We took a nap and then headed over to Palo Alto where Emily's dad's side of the family was celebrating Christmas. I walked into this party and was greeted one by one to like 417 Filipino people. I've never shook so many Filipino people's hands. Everyone was super nice and cool. Emily's grandfather is 97 years old and his wife is 90 and they still drive their own car and live alone. Isn't that fucking amazing? When I turn 97 my remains will probably be in some "blogger museum" for people who made blogging popular. We did this "White Elephant" Christmas thing and I walked away with a $25 gift card to Starbucks. I love coffee and beans! NOT!

On Christmas Eve, Emily & I drove into San Francisco to checkout the city. Wowawee the city is super duper hyper supersonic hilly! We went up this one hill and we were like perpendicular to the ground. If I were on a skateboard or one of those razor scooters I probably would've died going down the hill. I was honestly scared. While in the city we checked out Fishermen's Wharf, Lombard Street (the crookedest street in the world) & drove around to where the gays (My people!) live in the Castro. San Francisco is way better than San Diego is in terms of things to do downtown and the architecture is way cooler too. San Diego is like a make pretend city. In the evening we headed over to Em's parents house to watch her sister open presents since her sister couldn't make it on Christmas day since she lives kind of far away.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong Christmas bells are ringing! On Christmas day after a long night of love making and cuddling we went to Emily's parents to open Christmas gifts...YEAAAAAHHHH!
I won't bore you with what they got since you don't know them so I'll tell you what they got me. They gave me some tins of that most delicious tasting popcorn. You know the caramel and cheddar popcorn?!?!? They also gave me a little carrying case filled with high grade cleaning products to clean my car. In the evening we went to the city, San Francisco to be exact to celebrate Christmas with Emily's mom's side. We walked into the house and Emily sent me into the living room alone and like a loud ruckus like the one from the movie Breakfast Club, I was greeted by like 10 family members. These people were loud but super friendly. Me being the egomaniac I am I loved every single second I had in the spotlight being introduced to everyone until Emily came in and took it all away from me, leaving me with a broken ego. This family is crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy but again very cool and welcoming. They like their wine and they love to eat. We also had a "White Elephant" gift thing at this party as well. This one was by far more fun and the gifts were a little better. Ha ha the gift I bought for this thing was a fucking total joke gift. It was a Hello Kitty toaster that when toasting the bread would imprint Hello Kitty's face onto the bread. Emily's mom ended up getting this gift ha ha she was sooooo pissed (joking). I ended up with some Radio Shack headphones and other Radio Shack stuff. Emily has an uncle named Geoffrey Moore who is the author of these business books that most college business classes are required to use and I was sitting and talking to him at the party. It was pretty crazy. He was totally down to earth and chill. I've finally met my first celebrity in California!

We woke up today at 6:30 am and we were on the road by 7:30 am. We decided to take the 101 and boy did we ever score on scenery points! Beautiful lush rolling hills, beaches & naked women as far as a Lasik eye can see. I'll tell you something, America's cities and towns are filled with almost all the same stores and restaurants from coast to coast. Driving from San Francisco to San Diego I must've saw a Best Buy, Circuit City, McDonald's, Petco, PetSmart, Target (I still love you sweetie), Borders/Barnes & Noble at every shopping mall. It's kind of disgusting and boring. What ever happened to every town having its own personality? Now every town in America looks the same and has all the same things to do with a few exceptions.

Thank you to Emily's family for being so awesome and inviting. They totally rock the house & Philippines!

I really love it up in the Bay Area and I'm definitely considering moving up there in the near future. It's prettier than San Diego, the weather is cooler, the tree's are nicer & the people are not all Paris Hilton'd out!

As a little Christmas gift here is a video of me snoring in my sleep on Christmas day



Julianne B said...

Glad to hear that you had a good christmas... Mine was good too.... and Em.. thanks for the video.. glad to know that Greg isn't so perfect after all... the man snores like a bear

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: did you get any good gifts??~??~

Anonymous said...

What is up with your constant references to Filipinos like "my personal Filipino" and "I've never shook so many Filipino people's hands"? Do you realize how ignorant that makes you sound?

Dan said...

Gregg, awesome photos! All of a sudden I got this hankering to slither between a couple of those sea lions for some hot monkey luvin'.

So are you and Emily married? If not, WHY NOT DUDE? She's adorable! Don't be a cad and let this one go dude! (Unless you're gay, which you might be, because you made some reference to gay people in your post and you dance kind of gay ... and that's totally cool too.)

Anonymous said...

Gregg, I don't even know you but I've been reading your blog for about a month now. You're hysterical! I couldn't wait to hear what you did for Xmas and it sounds like it was fun. Happy New year from a fan in Buffalo, NY

Gregg O'Connell said...

QofD: are you in Daly City? Yes, Emily's family is very open to people like me...

Dan: No, Dan I'm not married. I've been dating Emily for about a year now. Those Sea Lions would definitely keep you warm if you laid between two of them...mmmm blubber!

Christina: wow Buffalo, NY?!?! I have fans coast to coast! Next I'll be an international starrrr! How did you find my site?

Anonymous said...

Do you even know what ignorant means?

dc1904 said...

I knew I saw you! I was on the 101 too. A good way to go to get down south is the 101 to the 46 that'll get you over to the 5 freeway.

Cut out all that poo in the Valley

Anonymous said...

I found your Peter Griffin in the flesh post through a random Google search for something on my blog, which I never ended up even writing about because I got hooked on your site.

Now I'm hooked on your blog as bad as needing a cup of coffee in the morning. You're like every guy friend I've known and loved my whole life.

Gregg O'Connell said...

anonymous: I'll answer you after you answer this...Do you know how to post a comment without using "anonymous" as your login?

captain: thanks for the driving advice...i did get to see santa barbara which is very pretty~fyi i'm not gay i'm metro!

christina: it's about time I got one fan from that damn peter griffin photo woohoo! you're quickly becoming my biggest fan...you just need to start spreading the greggoconnell.com word to others and you're officially the biggest since no one spreads the word about me! :P

dc1904 said...

Anonymous is not a bright person.

Greggors just tells the truth as he/she sees it. He truly has not met that many Filipino's at once.
He is fascinated by them since he didn't know any back in cold, Artic Mass.

what what

Gregg O'Connell said...

did hell just freeze over? b/c the captain never sticks up for the g-r-e double g

Anonymous said...

No worries, I got you covered. There's a link to your blog on my blog with a full endorsement.

Anonymous said...

To "anonymous": Do you know what "joke" means?

dc1904 said...

You drove by Salinas then. That's where all the ecoli has been coming from:

Taco bell, Jamba Juice, Spinach!

All I have to say is:

Keep the poo out of the food. Is it that hard?

Gregg O'Connell said...

Christina: you are now part of my link royalty!

captain: haha thats nasty.."shitty fingers"

Erica Ann Putis said...

Sounds like you had a really great time. You need to get married and have 2 dogs, 2 cats, a fish and 3 kids and move to San Fran!!! You love being a family man!

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: i love being alive and seeing what each new day can bring!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for making me part of your link royalty. I'll keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

are you going to post about your resolutions to become an A- LISTER?

Gregg O'Connell said...

punky: shhh that's my next post!!!

Anonymous said...

oops, maybe one of your resolutions should be....be less predictable


Gregg O'Connell said...

haha you're the biggest brat I know from MASS!!! :P

Anonymous said...

haha. i can just picture you with all those flips. emily definitely set you up when she left you alone with her relatives. she should have filmed that scene. you know...when you're with a flip, you will NEVER be alone. and when you marry one, you marry the entire extended family. cheers to my people! melody

Gregg O'Connell said...

melody: i can't wait to marry her mom, dad, and sister when/if i marry emily

dc1904 said...


Whatever happened with us switching exes?? I finally grant you permission in January 2007. See where it takes you??



Gregg O'Connell said...

captain: I'm getting married son!!