Her website isn't half bad once you get passed the incestious ass kissing from her fans.
What do I get in return from her? A spot on her blogroll!
holla if ya here me!
C-List Bloglebrity Gregg O'Connell! The next time you're drunk leave me a message on the "Drunk Line" (619) 377-0593. Every Week NEW Drunks!
rsm: you're not a whore! you're that fresh cotton smell after doing the laundry!
I already did it... I voted for Stevenovak.blogspot.com for humor too. I can't help it if I am a master of kiss-assing. Haha...
I wish i could get on her blogroll... she's on mine.. I sent her an email to ask if it would be alright that she was there and she didn't answer.. and yea I voted for her as soon as I found out...
Is it proper blog-etiquette to ask someone before you link them?? I didn't think it mattered. Hmmm...
Roll out on sat. nite!
Captain's orders.
erica: you should have nominated me dude!
julianne: it took a lot of fights and a bit of ass kissing to get on her blogroll
captain: you covering my $20 fee?
No way dude - you won't even compleat the tag... whatevah
Julianne! I'm sorry if I didn't respond to your email! Sometimes I get so many in a day that some get overlooked or I mean to write back to them and then forget about them. I suck that way. Sorry :(
next time this award shit comes around I will give one dollar per nomination for howtokillpeople.com for best humor blog/site thing.
$1 per person....
rsm: it must be hard being good looking, famous and asian!
travis: I'll give $1.75 per nomination for my site!
dude.. whats with the hot chick in the shirts... I don't get it... i thought you where gay?
i'm straight on friday, saturday and sunday
You can have the category for blog written by one person. HUMOR IS MINE BITCH!!!!
So to reiterate: Next time these awards come around you vote for gregg for best individual blog and you vote for me for best humor blog.
But first you must nominate us.
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