Thursday, December 28, 2006

C-List Bloglebrity

One of my New Years resolutions for 2007 is to be a B-List bloglebrity. A bloglebrity is all about the amount of Vanity Fair, GQ, and People Magazine covers you can score. To be an A-List Bloglebrity on the Internet, it’s all about the amount of link love you can score. Right now I'm a C-List bloglebrity and to be fair and honest to myself the best I feel I could be in the span of one year would be a B-list bloglebrity.

I've been a blogger for a little over 2 years and my site has been growing quite steadily due to the fact that I look like Charlie Sheen, I'm funny like Roseanne Barr & I have the writing ability of a 3rd grader. When you add all three of those qualities up you've got a recipe for greatness!

Why do I want to be a more popular blogger you ask? Well that answer is simple! I want to loved and adored by people all across the world. I want to be the website you go to when you're about to commit suicide.. Then after reading something on my site you decide not to because you want to see what I'll write about next and you know you won't be able to if you kill yourself.

Yes we have global warming and Saddam Hussein about to be hung but what's more heartwarming then a 26 year old guy trying to make a living off of blogging about his life? Would you honestly rather read about the world blowing up or about how I twisted my testicle as a teenager? You'd rather read about me twisting my testicle!

Who really wants to work a real job? I don't want to be super rich or CEO of some lame ass company. I want the freedom to write about whatever I want and make a living off of it. If I don't move my personal bloglebrity meter up to B-List then I'm dooming myself a failure!

How do I make it B-list bloglebrity you ask? Well what I've been doing lately is finding other fellow bloggers websites and commenting on theirs, then asking them if they'd like to trade links. Almost everyone says yes. Take for instance today I told Dan that I posted a link to his website on mine and if he'd do the same. He responded with

"Thanks for linking to me Gregg but, unfortunately, I won't be able to
link to you because your musical tastes suck.

Just kidding (about the "not being able to link part"). I just did."

He came off as a complete and utter asshole at first but as you can see he redeemed himself with a "just kidding" to make things right. So you can see sometimes it takes thick skin or fore skin which you choose to be able to fend off harsh words from jealous bloggers.

I'll keep chugging along by whoring myself out like a crackhead trying to get her next fix. I'll do what it takes by linking sites on my website that bore me to pieces all in an effort to get to that next stop of bloglebrity status! Who the fuck's with me!?!?!



Julianne B said...

Good luck with that... and you are already linked on my site

Gregg O'Connell said...

julianne: your site is the only site (in Canada) that matters to me!

dc1904 said...

Senor Greggy!

I've decided your blog stuff is kinda like Seinfeld. That was a show about nothing and your site is a site about nothing...

Keep up the great work!

Capn Morgan

Gregg O'Connell said...

Capn: does everything in life need to have a purpose? If I stuck to one topic everyday, I'd go nucking futs! I'd end up like the Securanator!

HEY! We need a photo of the securanator! That's your top secret mission! Then I will post it on my site...

Travis said...


Can I join you in your quest for blogging celebrity? Or should we still go with that whole 'Taking over the internet' thing?


Gregg O'Connell said...

Mr.TNA aka Travis: I do need all the help I can get! Sure, lets try and be B-List Bloglebrit's together!

After that then we will take over the internet and save it from its doom

Anonymous said...

I’m going to ride you coattails into stardom.

btw...I added dan before you did, just because he called me pretty.

Gregg O'Connell said...

punky: I hope you have strong hands trying to hold onto my coat tails b/c I'm a fast traveler to the stars!

Hey what do I get if I call you pretty? I already have link love from you...maybe I could get something cool like an autographed punky photo?

Erica Ann Putis said...

God - you do type like a 3rd grader... I fix all your mistakes in my head... Haha...

Oh - and I think I found Dan first be-atches!! He's funny as hell!!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking we could have a race to see who will be the first B-lister...but then i would have 1454616 links on my site that i don't even like, so scratch that

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: don't sweat me...and why are you saying such good things about other bloggers when its MY site..please give me some love too

punky: that's such a double edged sword...B-Lister and 1454616 links...i feel your pain

Erica Ann Putis said...

I always comment - isn't that enough?? And I write about you all the time and I only tagged you and you didn't even do that post. I don't know if I can ever forgive you.

dc1904 said...


If you provide the ski masks, I'll drop in on the Securinator when he's droppin in the bathroom at work!!


Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: i only didnt do the "Tag" post b/c I'm hurt everytime I read you call me "quuerbait" or "biotch"

capn: wlll a patrick roy 1993 mask do?

Anonymous said...

You're already B-list to me! With love from your #1 fan in Buffalo, NY.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Dan: you know I didn't mean that come know i love you kid!

christina: i'd be nothing without fans like you!

Dan said...

Gregg, love you too you huggable lunk!