Monday, December 04, 2006

Ok You Can Officially Call Me Homo Boy!

Tomorrow I'm attending the Ellen show as in Ellen Degeneres talk show on in the afternoon. I'm attending because my co-worker got tickets and her spouse can't attend so I'm the next best thing. I'm cool cause I have a blog. I'm fun because I don't need alcohol to have a good time and I'm funny because I take photos of myself in a mini-skirt.

Most of the people that attend the Ellen show if you've ever watched it are women, gay guys and the random husband who was dragged their because his wife's friends couldn't go. Why am I going? Well because I'm going to be getting some phat ass presents for free! It's part of Ellen's 12 days of Christmas and I'm attending day 5 of that. She's given out iPods, $300 gift certicates, towels & tons more shit! I'll be on TV on Wednesday of this week.

I'm excited to be getting free gifts but I'm kind of bummed because I have to wake up at 3:20 am so that we are definitely in the studio audience and get all three gifts instead of being kicked to the backstage room and only receive one gift. It's in Burbank, CA which is like 150 miles away from me one way! The last reason is because I'll be there from 6:00 am to 7:30 pm...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm going to be a tired mofo!

Tomorrow when I get back I'll post the photos & videos I took along with what I got for presents. Wish me and luck and make sure to watch her show on Wednesday to see me dance with Ellen!



Anonymous said...

Have fun, I wanna see a recording of it if you happen to be on TV =p

steve lamontagne said...

Dude I'm glad u moved to Cali- u love it there- I'm still am trying to convince the fam to move there.
Think I would pass on the Ellen show that is pretty gay- but what ever free stuff is cool- phat later

Gregg O'Connell said...

kevin: I will have something up if I make it onto TV :)

Steve: I'll try and get you an Ellen shirt or find you a single girl thats a lezzie

Anonymous said...

Try to do something noticeable so we'll be able to see you in the audience. Maybe you could wear a bright pink sweater and carry a balloon.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she can have you go on stage for a segment and you can have a coming out of the closet show... Maybe she'll give you even more gifts because of the courage it too to do that on national television. You love being gay!!!

Julianne B said...

AWESOME.... she is so funny... when she dances thought the audenice you should dance with her... have an awesome time.. and i will be watching