You know what sucks is when you get home and see a package at your door but before you read who it's really for you're like "YEAAAAHHHHHHHH A PACKAGE FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Then you read who it's for and it says your roommates name or your neighbors. It's really a big let down just let when I found out that we all die one day. I get the same feeling!
I've gotten some pretty cool things so far in the mail. I got a new digital camera from my mom, some thrift store t-shirts from Punky, gift cards to Gap, money & hopefully someone will mail me one of those big tins of popcorn.
Even though I'm not one of the most giving people on the planet like say a mother or Bill Gates I do like sending presents to people in the mail and hearing "Oh my God Gregg you're the best gift giver. I really loved that Coach handbag you gave me" You know something along those lines. It's weird and I feel kind of dorky for saying this but sending normal mail and packages gets me excited. Not sexually excited but more like the thought of a gift going from one location to someones house. I don't know how to really explain it but I get well "excited"!
If I had more money I would send everyone that comments on my blog a present even that dude Travis that tried fighting with me earlier today. I'd get Julianne a bunch of green, black and white tea. Dirty would get a diamond tennis bracelet. Punky would get a plane ticket to San Diego. Travis aka would get those hideous Converse all-stars he created.
Erica would receive 2 massages to a spa. Emily would get 5 days/4 nights to the beautiful and exotic country the Philippines, along with 10,000 Pesos. RSM would get a shirt with me on it making this face. Q of D I'd get her some tissues to use in case she cries b/c I mistankenly forget to add her to a list of mine or I'd get her an invitation to a Celebrity funeral. And anyone that posts "anonymous" would receive 2 tickets to the Ellen Degeneres show.
Happy Holidays and if you want to send me something let me know and I'll provide my elusive address!!!
P.S. The winner of the best Converse One design is Punky with 2 votes! Congratulations Punky you're officially the best Converse One designer in the world!!!
I see. No love or linkage for Steph. Even though I comment on your site all the time. Even though I am cute in that stay-at-home mom sort of way. Even though I am organizing a celebrity death pool for the pure benefit and enjoyment of my readers.
Be that way. Fine. Harumph.
Steph I'm sorry...I just edited my post and added you some linkage love in! Would a box of Godiva chocolates make you feel better?!??!
I need back on your good side!
That was pretty lame of you not to imaginary give a present to QofD. Cute stay at home mom's should be at the top of your list.
But I loved my gift!!! Thanks!
erica: you love virtual massages!
thanks for the thought and I'd love to get some tea from San Diego.. I'm going to send you some thing after christmas.. when the post office slows down.. So i'll get your address in the new year
julianne: two words "order online"
Dear Gregg...
What a thoughtful young lad you are.
Sorry about the Converse house is a wreck and I'm stuck in the middle of it all. I did like your's the best though...the punky ones were fugly.
PS...I'm not sure what I would get you...
Dear Gregg...
What a thoughtful young lad you are.
Sorry about the Converse house is a wreck and I'm stuck in the middle of it all. I did like your's the best though...the punky ones were fugly.
PS...I'm not sure what I would get you...
Dear Gregg...
What a thoughtful young lad you are.
Sorry about the Converse house is a wreck and I'm stuck in the middle of it all. I did like your's the best though...the punky ones were fugly.
PS...I'm not sure what I would get you...
Dear Gregg...
What a thoughtful young lad you are.
Sorry about the Converse house is a wreck and I'm stuck in the middle of it all. I did like your's the best though...the punky ones were fugly.
PS...I'm not sure what I would get you...
I hate you blogger...I hate you.
Your own cousin!
YAY I won!! I would like to thanks the following people for making this possible…hehehe
kevin: i'd give a virtual hug video, 2000 wii points & a 6 pack of IBC.
dirty: you're just jealous of punky cause she met me in real life huh?
punky: you should always first thank "God"
No Gregg...sorry. They were fugly.
I really have no desire to meet you in real life...although I would like to meet Herbie.
dirty: did you sleep with one of RSM's fans that hate me? b/c ur mean today! you should be dying to meet me!
I'm not mean today...I just thought the Converse were FUGLY!
Even though I never want to meet you in person doesn't mean that I love you any less.
And I am grumpy because I have to paint my bedroom.
I would give you an airsoft rifle so that you may thwart your enemies. And so that when I, one day come to San Diego, you, me, and erica can get drunk and play WAR
dirty: what can I do to make you happy besides take naked photos of myself?
travis: dude you should come to SD so we can do a photo shoot and write some ridiculous news piece on how the three of us became bloggers and are prepared to take over the internet! at least from RSM anyway
Other than the obvious, drinking and shennanigans, the only thing I require in order to visit san diego is to be able to visit Homage studios or DC Comics.
other than're on.
i dont drink but erica does..i can drive everyone...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
when are you coming?
Another ass shot would be swell! Oh yeah, I need another Flickr account to relish in that fun...damn.
I'll do anything when drinking is involved. Wait - I didn't mean that. I meant it but without the perverted thoughts of everyone reading this. Comics, sure. Airsoft guns, ok. Taking over the internet - hells yeah!
now i feel like the little geeky kid in the corner asking softly... can i come to... sniff
Philippines is exotic? hehe..
i wished i commented here before so I could get 1 imaginary gift too. =)
have a nice day! *hugs*
julianne: you cAN come if you buy and drive!
airah: are you a Philly? I hope so because I have 4 Filipinos right now and a 5th would finish my collection!
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