Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ellen Show: Twelve Days of Christmas (Ebay + Photos)

Bobby Soundtrack & "Cheers To You" Boule Chocolates Pearl Necklace Me + Insert Filipino Girl (Judith) 2 White Kids Having Fun The First Filipino That Looks Mexican NBC Ellen Show Studio 14K NBC Gold Crazy Dude + Me Ellen Show Line

Boy was I tired after attending the Ellen Degeneres Show. I can sum it up as "Waiting, Traffic, Lines, Waiting, Lines & More Waiting".

I woke up at 3:20 am. Left my house at 4:00 am. We arrived at the Ellen Show at 6:00 am to make sure that we would get into the studio audience. We would be waiting until 11:00 am until they finally passed out the tickets. Waiting in line wasn't all that bad. Everyone was super friendly. There were these 3 cool hipster girls from Palm Springs in front of us. We all began chatting and before I knew it I was in heaven. Why was I in heaven? Well it wasn't because I was right next to 3 girls that thought I was God! I was in heaven because we were playing UNO! I love playing UNO on my Xbox 360. We played a few games of UNO, took some photos, I made them laugh like 85% of the time except for a few times when they didn't understand a couple of my jokes because of my super intelligent wit! There were only a few gay guys that I saw in the line of 300+ people. There were definitely more straight guys then I thought.

At 11:00 am they passed out tickets so finally some freedom! I was free to do whatever I wanted in the wild city that is Burbank, CA from 11:00 am -3:30 pm. So my 3 new friends (Jazzy Judith, Simple Anacely & Avantgarde Sheryl) me & my co-worker headed over to Acapulcos for some Mexican food. We all got the buffet since it was cheaper than the actual meals. We stayed there til 1:00 pm.

After that the girls went to their show since there were 2 tapings and they were in the first one. So from like 1:00 to 3:30 pm I went pee a few times, made some phone calls & listened to some music. It sucked! Like most blogs do! At 3:30pm we got back in line and waited for them to get us into the NBC Studio parking lot. At 4:00 pm we got into the parking lot and waited until 6:00 pm. At 6:00 pm they took us into the studio. For the next 20 minutes they blasted all of the played out hip hop tunes of the day and made the audience dance to it. Ellen came out around 6:20 and did her show for an hour. Emilio Estevez was the main guest. He was pretty boring and didn't have much of anything to say kind of like me.

The first present we got was Boule Chocolates. Basically it's overpriced chocolate that comes in a cool box. The next gift was a $300 gift certificate to Calyx & Corolla again another overpriced store. The last gift was a pearl necklace valued at $1,500 from You can read more about the gifts here.

I don't think I would ever attend another Ellen Show taping because of all the waiting and downtime. You can't really get in your car and take off during the down time because you'll lose your parking spot and have a lot of trouble finding another one since there are no parking lots around the studio. I'm going to sell the necklace on Ebay. I've been eating the chocolates & I'll use the gift certificate from the florist for all the special women in my life.

Bid on the necklace!



Anonymous said...

Done! You can give me the pearl necklace. You owe me anyway be-atch!

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm selling it on Ebay. I'm just as broke as you sunshine!
Holla back when I hit the lottery

Anonymous said...

You know you want to give Erica a pearl necklace!

Gregg O'Connell said...

no i'd rather give you on spock

Anonymous said...

Hey there.. My gifts were better than yours. I don't know if you know what we got. We got a stationary set, personalized converse (shoes), $300.00 gift card to Old Navy/Banana Republic or Gap, and we got a diamond necklace and two charms, one charm with another diamond. Pretty sweet huh? Now you can send flowers to Anacely, Sheryl and I... j/k..
Yesterday was fun, thanks for making our time go by. Anyways, talk to you later..

Gregg O'Connell said...

oh no problem. I had a lot of fun making you guys laugh. It's all I'm really good for :P

does Sheryl want to trade gifts with me??! haha

Shoot me an email so we can all chat!


Anonymous said...

dude you need to pawn that necklace and buy yourself something. Then buy me something.

Also you need to change the link on your sidebar, the new address is


Gregg O'Connell said...

travis: it's going on ebay in like 25 minutes! i hate pearls!

your webby addy has been updated!

Gregg O'Connell said...

you're the man in NorCal!

Gregg O'Connell said...

emily doesnt like pearls..thank goodness...

you should bid on my auction and get this for yourself!

Anonymous said...

I'm cool!

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: i wish you were there with me spreading some ohio cheer!

Anonymous said...

Ohio cheer is swell!

dc1904 said...

Your gayness has finally spilled out! Where have you been, my little homo? You need a real man in your life again to get you back on track.

How did Ellen ever get the title of comedian. Has she ever done or said anything funny? The only thing that is funny, is how much shit she had to give away to pack the studios with "fans."

Gregg O'Connell said...

I need some Tom aka The Captain in my life on a daily basis!

Ellen is good hearted and amusing. I wouldn't say she is hella funny like Erica Putis or Herbie..but she is amusing

Anonymous said...

He thinks I'm hella funny!! Now I can live my life a compleat woman.

dc1904 said...

Me and you could have a convo about taking shits and it would be funnier than anything Ellen could come up with...

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: don't let it go to your head please...didnt you see i also mentined "Herbie" being funny? :P

captain: lets totally talk about some of our most classic shits! it would be so dirtyyyy!

Julianne B said...

awesome gregg... your arguing with yourself... you need treatment

Gregg O'Connell said...

judith: what is she then?

dc1904 said...

I'm coming over to use your 'facilities' then we can have that convo...

I may even take a nap on your floor as well.

Anonymous said...


Gregg O'Connell said...

captain: the securantor is probably in the bathroom dropping his kids off! ewww

QofD: I'm just that whores do when they are poor sell pearl necklaces? :P

Anonymous said...

I am sorry it did not sell. That was a fun auction to watch.

Jeremy Shepherd

Gregg O'Connell said...

Jeremy: it was such a fun auction that no one wanted it :(

dc1904 said...

I just saw the 'securinator' come outta the bathroom. I asked if it was all clear.

He mumbled something....


Santa mo

Gregg O'Connell said...

haha the securanator is a hardass just like his metal writingboard