Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Boy Blogger vs. Girl Bloggers

As 30 posts in 30 days fast approaches I'm left gathering topics to write about, more people to have "flame wars" with online, more people to piss off you name it I'm thinking about writing about it.

Writing in my blog has replaced the feeling of needing to write songs. I've used music as my outlet for expressing myself for every emotion since I was 14 years old. Yes guys you can be straight and have emotions. It doesn't make you a pussy fart for expressing feelings of love, hurt, anger, sadness or horniness. Look me I'm one of the straightest guys you will ever meet. I'm tough, strong & willing to fix anything with my hands.

Having a blog gives me a voice and instant gratification. I can make people laugh, pissed off, make them think twice. They can give me feedback by telling me I'm right, I suck, I'm gay, I'm cheesy, I'm awesome without any waiting.

It's hard being a boy blogger and gaining attention when you basically only write about your life. Girls generally don't care about 20 something year old guys thoughts on Uhaul, twisted testicles, Boy Just Wants to Dance, or tricking Filipinos at lunch. Straight guys definitely don't want to read another straight guys blog. So this leaves me with an audience of gay guys, girls that hate, co-workers who are looking for material to make fun of me with & people that randomly find my website by searching Google.

Girl bloggers can try and be sexy and guys will flock to them like pigeons flock to a lonely piece of bread in a parking lot. Sex sells and guys buy it. They can show a few semi-sexy photos and the guys are hooked. They will keep going because they think just because the girl blogger responds to some of their comments that the girl blogger wants to suck on their Willy Wonka. Well guys guess what she wants to suck on your Willy Wonka bar as much as a gay guy wants to go deep sea fishing! I on the other hand would rather eat the Willy Wonka bar than suck on it.

In conclusion I don't smoke, drink or do drugs. So while my girl blogger counterparts may look good now just wait 3-5 years when they have a baby and their ass grows to the size of Rhode Island. My ass will always look it did when I was 18 - hairy, white & sweaty.



Gregg O'Connell said...

my readers are the best ever! gays & RSM haters :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

you're mother smells like one

Erica Ann Putis said...

I actually laughed out loud a couple of times... I guess you got what you want and need so much. IG :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

thats a first me making you laugh. ill try and be as witty as i was in this post. itll be hard though.

Kait said...

Well.. your butt will look the same until you hit 40 and it sags.

And not all your readers hate rsm.

dc1904 said...

How much for you to stop writing lame blogs? How much? Just How much...??

Anonymous said...

I bet no one at your job needs any new material to make fun of you. You probably walk around the office smelling your finger after you put your hand in your pants and fart you petifogger.

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty captain get me a tortellini meal and we have a deal