Sunday, August 27, 2006

Emily's 29th Birthday Celebration

Emily's real birthday isn't until August 28 but I thought I'd celebrate it with dinner, gifts & friends on August 26 since it's a Saturday. I bought Emily 2 shirts from 2 of Gwen Stefani 's clothing labels L.A.M.B & Harajuku. I knew she loved Gwen Stefani but I wasn't sure if she liked her clothing line. So to trick her one day I was looking up clothing online and I was like "Hey Em what celebrities have their own clothing lines" and she's said Gwen Stefani has L.A.M.B. I was like "oh really...why don't you have any of her stuff?" Em says "It's very expensive" After this mini conversation which was just brought you by Proactiv "The Answer For Acne" I knew I made the right purchases for her birthday.

This brings us to Saturday August 26 and the celebration of Miss Emily's birthday. She didn't know anything about what she was getting nor did she know that I had invited some of her friends to the birthday dinner. At 3:00 pm I gave Em her presents. One L.A.M.B tank top, one Harajuku t-shirt & three candles from White Barn. She was as surprised & happy as a fisherman that just pulled in his first big bass of the day.

For dinner I asked Em to be ready for dinner at 7:00 pm at a restaurant to be announced. I brought her to Hunter's Steakhouse. We've been to this place probably 4-5 other times. It's really good steak and I love a good steak as much as the next Gregg. When we arrived at Hunter's I got 2 texts. One from Em's co-worker/friend Melody saying she couldn't make it because she had to get ready for some party the next day. Now this is the lamest thing I've ever heard. All week Melody was telling me I'll be there and I guess she also was trying to get other co-workers of hers to go as well. People in general are flaky but Californians hold the supreme Flaky Championship. The second text was from Em's sister saying "CAKE EMERGENCY I'M RUNNING LATER I'LL BE THERE ASAP" So things at dinner weren't starting out that good. I decided to tell Em that I invited like 8 people to her dinner and that only 5 or 6 would be showing up and most them would be late. It ended up being me, Em, Sesman, his fiance Tammy, their baby Shyanne, Danita (Em's co-worker) & Christina (Em's sister).

Em's sister Christina made the bomb ass cake. It was ice cream cones filled with chocolate cake, & mint chocolate chip ice cream. It was genius! She should have her own Filipino cake cooking show on FoodTV.

On a side note if you ever invite B-Kutt to a party of yours he'll need to get approval in the form of a signed permission slip from his owner/girlfriend Michelle. If he decides he can't go instead of giving a simple "I can't go" He will avoid all emails, texts & phone calls at all cost. It's not that he can't attend parties because if his owner tells him to go to one of her family/friends/friend of a friend's babies mother's parties he will attend. God bless his tired soul.

To all my whipped Peeps I bid you adieu,


Anonymous said...

B-Kutt, aka B-Kutt's no loss is a prime example of a man after castration. Hopefully, he will find a way to regenerate growth of that part of his anatomy. Also, hopefully Gregg will not succumb to the same situation...

Gregg O'Connell said...

I am strong! I am man! I cannot and will not succumb to Whipped Boy Syndrome!

dirty said...

Happy Birthday to Emily!

You like steak as much as the next Gregg?...too funny.

Gregg O'Connell said...

don't you like steak too?

dirty said...

Steak is yummy although I never eat it.

Gregg O'Connell said...

you need some "man steak"

its lean and delicious

Anonymous said...

Hey man, I would have been on time if the cake had cooperated, but apparently it had it's own agenda. For the record, I HATE being late and prefer to be a little early, so don't blame me, blame the "bomb ass cake."

Gregg O'Connell said...

you should've given the cake a "timeout" and maybe then he would've cooperated.

dirty said...

man steak is yummy...

Gregg O'Connell said...

so is man juice

dirty said...

You make a valid point...but how do you know?

Gregg O'Connell said...

i'm a man

dirty said...

but HOW to you know what it tastes like??? Should you be admitting that?

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm admitting to being a man and knowing that man juice is sweet.

It's just what people tell me...:P

dirty said...

well, that's a relief.

Gregg O'Connell said...

I like to say
men are boys
women are women.

dirty said...

Those are wise words Gregg...

Anonymous said...

dude, i know i never explained to you my no show. blame it on a stressful week/weekend. i was trying to plan my sons' b-day at ultrazone laser tag and chuck e cheese's that week. the guest list kept growing so i had to buy last minute stuff that sat. plus i attended a baptismal party that same day so needless to say, that day was overwhelming. i thought if i don't make it em's b-day dinner, then at least we could still hangout after in downtown. didn't know that you guys were too tired to go out partying.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i know. my comment is 2 weeks late.


Gregg O'Connell said...

well to make it up to Emily you should take the girl out to dinner or something!!!

I'm not mad. I just thought it was kind of shitty that you said u were going then u didnt.

I just think you should make it up to her personally :)

Anonymous said...

i've been trying to take her out to lunch but there's always too much going on at work. then i suggested dinner if and when you guys stop by to pick up the tv stand. then i found out you bought a tv stand. i'll bug her again this week. perhaps if you go out of town or something, she'll hang out with me again.


Gregg O'Connell said...

send an email to both of us to take her out to dinner for sometime either this weekend or next. ill make it happen b/c thats just what i do is makes things happen!