Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dirty Captain: Can you turn it down?

This is a quick tribute to my buddy who made a hero of all of us guys last Fri. night [note: this is not my friend who was unaware of what a cervix is]. My friend was driving a girl friend [emphasis on two words] home fri nite after a club about 2:30 AM and he was really horny, being a typical dude. He proposed they go back to his house… She was noncommittal so he told her point blank: If they go back to his house, she will get some, or she can go home and go to bed. Apparently, his friend was turned off by the blunt offer and said no way! He asked again and was denied again. But when dropping her off, she had a change of heart. She propositioned him to come inside and perhaps stay the nite at her place. This girl totally was turned on and told him she wanted it. My friend thought for 5 seconds and gave her the nope, I’m tired now excuse. The little tramp kept asking as my boy went through excuse after excuse. She finally called him a proud fucker and stomped up to her apartment. My boy went home not getting laid but with his pride intact, having scored a victory for all the guys out there. I was so proud of my normally ball-less friend. He grew a set just like I have.

Shit, if a girl’s gonna turn you down, you sure as hell can turn her down too. Reppin all the dudes who ever turned down nani. I think this man is a hero and a genius. Fellas, let Gregg know if this is what a real man should have done. He is not fully hetero so he’s looking for some opinions.



Anonymous said...

That's what she gets.....she should have known what she wanted and stuck with it......oh well....she'll get him next time

dirty said...

I think he did the right thing...she probably would've changed her mind again...girls do that.

Gregg O'Connell said...

maybe the guy is queer and he doesn't know it yet.


maybe the guy likes being a tease like his female counterpart

Anonymous said...

This friend was smart. Keep the lady wanting more, she will come back to get some as long as she is intrigued...