In order for someone to go poops, pooh, crap, drop the kids off, shit or whatever you call it you need to be comfortable. You need to be relaxed and ready to let go of all that waste that has built up in your intestines.
Adults like to read a newspaper or magazine. Techies like to go on their laptops and surf the internet searching for some hardcore tech news. Teens bring their cellphones to the butt stop and text message their friends about the new girl in school with the big tits. I myself like the water running, a fan on & a gaming or music magazine within close proximity.
Well this brings me to my friend. My friend is an Asian female in her 20's. In order for her to get comfortable so that she can take a shit takes the cake over anything I've ever heard in my life.
First she needs to be at her own house because she isn't comfortable going pooh anywhere else. She's even held it in as long as a whole weekend without going. Struggling through stomach pains until she got home. She needs some country music on the radio channel 95.7 for all you out there in San Diego. It's a necessity to have a fashion/gossip magazine within reach to read. She needs wet wipes nearby because she doesn't use toilet paper as it just doesn't give her that "clean feeling". Now here's the best shit (no pun intended) I've heard in a long time...She literally takes every single piece of clothing off. The girl gets fucking naked, nude, unclothed because she feels trapped in her clothes and doesn't feel like the pooh can make it's way out of her butthole.
Imagine every time you needed to go poops you took your clothes off. Not even a single sock was left on your de-wasting body. I give it up to the girl for holding in pooh that long and often. I'd feel like I was going to die if I held in waste for a whole weekend.
The moral of this story is holding in pooh hurts as well know so put some country music on, read a magazine, get your wet wipes ready and remember to always be naked while dropping the kids off.
Girls don't poop...duh. We are soft, hairless creatures with absolutely no bodily functions what so ever. Sheesh!
actually my dream one day is that all woman will not have to perform normal bodily functions i.e. pooh and pee.
i'm really hoping science will see this wish through
Well, I must be the only bodily function here...swear.
lucky girl
I know, I know...perfection and luck...I'm living the life.
I feel most comfortable finding passed out drunk as fuck people on the sidewalk in pacific beach and dropping on their neck and chest.
i think thats a fetish..nice!
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