I have this friend named BK who I work with and he is a really nice guy with the height of balloon that's stuck at the top of a store ceiling. He recently got engaged to a girl who he has been dating for a year and a half. Here's the problem, he has never lived with this girl and she can't sleep over because she lives with her parents and they are very strict. This future marriage is just asking for trouble. Living with someone really shows you what the person is all about and how lazy they truly are.
What are you going to do if when you marry this person and start living with them that you realize that they always steal the blanket at night, they pee on the floor, they leave their hair clumped in the shower, they don't clean the dishes, they hog all the internet bandwidth downloading dirty movies and illegal music & they always leave the door unlocked. You're fucked is what you are!
You never go to a shoe store and buy shoes without trying them on. Well the same rings true for
spouses. You need to test the merchandise out. See if they live up to the standards you want in a husband/wife. Make sure they don't try to change you too much because if they do you lose your identity and if you lose that you become spiteful and if you become spiteful you die from cancer.
BK my advice to you is get an apartment with this lady friend of yours before you get married and "try out the merchandise". Make sure she is definitely "the one". Divorces are expensive and Asian women will leave you in a heartbeat if they find some 26 year old guy who plays guitar and sings songs about getting eatin' by sharks. To keep an Asian woman happy feed her white rice, chocolate, white meat chicken & buy her custom made notebooks from Costco.
BK honestly you're a great guy I hope everything works out for you because you really deserve it. If you were my type I'd totally sleep with you . You nasty little Pittsburgh biotch!
Move to Ohio?...Fat ugly Nascar chicks?...you are just plain mean.
I'm not talking about you dirty. I'm talking more in random about Ohio and how it seems like a shithole. That's why I mentioned Ohio. I could've picked Kentucky but I don't know much about it.
You still love my website?
You're not an RSM fan now are you?
Eh...I guess so. Ohio is a shithole...I'm the first to say that.
I never was a RSM fan...she annoyed me (most people do)...
well I obviously don't annoy you because you visit/comment everyday
You are one of the lucky ones...
I like me some Gregg.
O H I O... the best chant ever.
I would like to add the comment that when Asian women are young, they will wine, dine, & fuck the shit out of you. When they get old, they will lost all your money at the casino and get all wrinkly and crinkly.
Live with her now, BK, enjoy it... then pack up and head for higher ground!
good advice Captain.
Now I know why you live at the top of a hill
you annoy everyone :)
Statistically, people who live together are more likely to get divorced then those who don't.
Just sayin'.
And, part of marriage is getting used to the person that you marry. It's all part of the process.
You got eaten by a shawk (said with no R)
I like chicken, chocolate, and notebooks... Does that's mean I'm Asian now?
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