Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fohawk Twin Brothers

Most people never find their twin. The person that is not necessarily related to them by blood but related by looks. The same haircut, skin color, nose, smile etc...
I for instance feel like most Asian people look alike. You pick the Asian nationality and generally speaking most of them all look the same.

Well today a new guy named Brian started at my place of work. We always get new temps because of the turnover at my job. So I was told today that a new guy was starting and I'd be training him. I asked if he was Filipino b/c that's all they seem to hire at my job. They said he was white and that in the interview he and the manager were laughing the whole time.

I was like Fucking A! A new WHITE guy that is funny. That's competition for me at work and I don't need that kind of pressure. It's hard enough coming up with funny one liners and sayings that everyone at work will end up using.

So he got there at 8:00 am and instantly I notice he is white and he has the same freaking haircut as me. I'm like WTF?!?!? The dude is totally chill and cool. 30 minutes go by and literally 2 people come by say "is that your brotha?" and "dude he stole your fohawk?"
As the day goes on he and I go to lunch with some other co-workers. My co-worker Angelica is like "who is this?"
I'm like "oh it's my brother"
and she says "oh ya he has the same smile as you, I can see it"
ha ha we totally had her thinking it was my real life brother.

It's weird for this to happen to me because generally no one looks like me. It's hard for someone to live up to my standards because I'm basically a 9 on a scale of 1-10 and I'm talented and funny at least that's what Mom Dukes says. So for someone to even be compared to me if a compliment to them.

So it seems that even for us White muts we too can look alike. I might grow my hair out like those effected emo kids. The fohawk is a tough rep to uphold. A lot of us white kids have it because it extenuates our cheek bones and gives us that "I'm ready for anything crazy look as long as its not going to kill me"



Erica Ann Putis said...

You love finding your soul mate... Does he act as gay as you too?

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dirty, he is much better looking than you!

Gregg O'Connell said...

yea you girls are right he is WAY cuter than me. and RSM's blog is better too.

Erica: no he doesn't act gay thats my job!

Gregg O'Connell said...

i'll tell him you have kids too :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

don't try getting back on my good side. im a lost soul like corey feldman

BovineGoddess said...

Gregg (if that is indeed your real name), has anybody ever told you that you are a complete and utter wanker?

dc1904 said...

You are 9 out of 10, I am a 9.1. You love the new guy. Damn, two days I'm gone & you fell in love. But he can't give you advice like your Dad Tom can.

You can always come to me to hear what you are doing wrong.

Anonymous said...

Is Sean Connery gay?

Gregg O'Connell said...

bovinegoddess go eat another donut

sean connery isnt gay

dirty captain: thx that means alot to me