I'm now a person all kids can look up to and try to aspire to be. I'm officially a role model. Kids can now say to their parents, teachers & friends "I want to be the next Gregg O'Connell". He doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs. He writes good music, is funny, good looking, sweet, kind, giving, selfish, amazing, weird & straight. He's the person I dream to be one day! Kids get your parents credit card and order your Gregg O'Connell t-shirts ASAP. Christmas is around the corner so don't be the only kid on your block without this "wicked cool" t-shirt.
A lot happened this month from having to give advice to a college kid "Tom Jordan", I made 2 videos, I gave a ride to a hitchhiker that smelled like pee and cigarettes, I wrote about a girl that has to be naked to go pooh, I wrote about a girl that got stomach aches from blow jobs, etc...
It was hard and kind of aggravating to force myself to write every single say. Some days I would forget I had to write. I'd be in bed and be like "Fucking shit I have to write in my damn blog" but I ended up sticking to my psychotic plan and I succeeded just like George Bush did when he stole the 2000 election.
Tomorrow will be first day off in 30 days and I'm going to enjoy it. I'm going to sniff a little Coca Cola from the table and I'll do some laundry. So enjoy the most holy day of the week.
Love the best blogger on the internet,
Patriots are so much better even after you stole one of our coaches and signed Willie McGinest
well good for you...
it was awesoem reading... now don't you slack off and only post once a week... i don't think that i could handle that
Gregg, can we get married?
I NEVER SLACK OFF. i've never been a slacker. im the hardest working blogger in san diego/point loma!
bobby: ill marry you if you get down on one knee and pay for the wedding
you really know how to make a boy happy sweetie
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