Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I Don't Fit The Description...So What?!?!

In the ever changing atmosphere that is work politics another co-worker of mine who is currently the team leader is leaving to go to another department. This will leave my group without any senior member or team leader. Perfect for me right? Probably not only because I think most people think of me as too much of a jokester and too crazy overall. Even though I'm totally kick ass and I'm definitely the go to guy on my team for questions and such I'll probably only get senior which is a pay raise but nothing really new in terms of responsibility. I won't find out anything until December so I have a few months to be the Michael Jordan of Account Transfers and maybe even kiss some major ass. The kissing ass I can't do and never could. I would never go out of my way to be fake it in order to get something in life. That's a big turn off for me. I've got the punk rawk mentality!

I've never fit into a typical mold in anything I've ever done. When I played music I didn't do drugs or drink heavily like most musicians do, I love technology but I'm not the typical 4 eyed geek I'm more like the Queer Eye for the Straight Eye kinda geek. My personality when you first meet me makes me seem like I'm all crazy and wild and I love to party but I'm the complete opposite I love being inside and doing nothing. The safety of the indoors warms my heart like a loaf of bread in the oven.

This should hold true for me being a team leader or supervisor as well. Just because I'm not the typical person who might fit the description of a team leader or supervisor doesn't mean I can't do the same or better job. I just take a different approach at dealing with people than most people. I like making people feel like they can be themselves around me no matter what. Nothing in life should always be super serious. When you're at work in order to be happy you need to be social, comfortable, be able to joke around, etc...

So to all my haters who think I'm just a joke, a loser, a piece of cheese left out too long so now I'm hard as rock you all are just jealous of the phenomenon that is Gregg O'Connell. The water that flows into the mighty ocean is the same water that comes from the sky. And I am from the sky.

Lieutenant O'Connell


Julianne B said...

don't worry about it... with a promotion comes aded resposibility... somethng i'm very against.. as i told my Team supervisor when he wanted me to become one.. why do i want to watch twenty people try and get out of a job that i was trying to get out of also... makes ya think

Gregg O'Connell said...

I just want to make a little more money so i can send my extra earnings off to the Philipines and Cambodia and support my fellow Asians.

I don't watch the office so i can't laugh at the David Brent joke.

I know I've won a few trophies in my lifetime. Does that still make me a loser?

Anonymous said...

it's all a game... just play it. i say who cares about the stupidity of fitting the mold if you can go to old venice more often and buy that new game console with the extra $ flowing in... at the end of the day, that's all that matters - taking care of your own business. :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

i need a Wii !!!

dc1904 said...

One word of caution: You can't keep harassing new hires if you become Team Leader.

Also, I lost gave up my title, I would be honored to do a hand off.


Gregg O'Connell said...

i can do whatever i want son