I would be pretty scared if one those monster earthquakes happened. I remember watching television as a little tike and hearing about all these crazy death causing earthquakes. Then when I got older I started watching those Discovery shows where they show the destruction of an earthquake. I also started seeing more of those "end of the world" shows on Sunday nights on like ABC where they were like "California will have an earthquake with such magnitude that tidal waves and tsunami's will occur and everyone will die. At the time I was like a 12 year old kid and I'm like fucking A "I'm never ever going to California I don't wanna die!!!"
Even though I heard earthquakes were going to happen as I got older I cared less and less. Now I'm here and I haven't felt one freaking earthquake. I think they are California's way of trying to control over population. I know first hand that California is overpopulated. It's like everyone lives in the same area. There is tons of open land but everyone wants to live near the ocean.
California should put a PSA out to the rest of the country promoting the dessert & mountain areas. "Come to California and live in the dessert. Catch rattlesnakes, coyotes & a bad sunburn" or they could use the opposite "Come move to California and sit in 3 hours of traffic everyday & bask in our never ending attempts of finding a parking spot at Target on a Monday morning. All of this can be yours and 2 bedroom condo for just $600,000!"
I'm calling California out give me a fucking earthquake already!!!
just don't kill me with it...please
Im gonna get on your rooftop & jump around to scare the shit out of you one night. Then you'll have your earthquake & probably wet the bed!
will u do the cleanup?
You sure do bitch about California a lot...If you really don't like it there why don't you move? Or are you one of those people who can't be happy unless they are complaining about something?
Complaining about California is one of Gregg specialties. He's a like a little girl who is never happy with the Barbie doll she just got. Wait a minute - maybe that's not just a comparison.. He does like to play with WWE dolls....
Dude - you look cross-eyed in that picture... Oh - and you look like a comic book nerd. I'm sooo nice!!
hey there... the one post a day thing seams to be going well... anyway.. have a great day and i forgot how much i like this blog...
talk to you later
i forgot how much i loved you but now i remember
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