Monday, September 11, 2006 & her Inflated Fans Fall Trap to

Like any other RSM entry for the day I go over to her site around 7:00 am PST and skim her post for the day. I then decide how to aggravate her fans so that they start fighting with me. This in turn creates a buzz for the day which in turn creates a slight jump in traffic which can then turn into new fans for my blog. It's all mathematics really calculus to be exact!

So today I headover their and posted this:

this should sum up like 125 of your comments you'll receive today

"oh RSM I love you. you don't need to write anything of substance. Anything and everything you do makes my day. You're so pretty, funny and smart. God I wish I were you and not my unhappily married with kids self"

if you need something good to read go to my blog

I never run out of witty things to write about."

This is when things started to get heated. Her fans are so sick and tired of me but it's so hard to stop when I can aggravate them all so easily. My whole mission in this war mostly against RSM fans was to get them so heated that they would come to my site and do comment after comment.

Well today must be the end of the world because I took a nap at 3:30pm and woke up at 5:30pm and what do I find? Over 50 comments on my site and growing from RSM Fans. They are trying to pick on "Dirty" because she isn't as tough as me probably.

You can read all the comments on her site here
and all the comments they left on my site here

It's obviously pure brilliance on my part to construct a plan and have it succeed feels nice. I'm such a wanker when it comes to real life, like George Washington said "Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company."

George Washington really knew and thing or two about people!

RSM's fan base is inflated, hungry, rednecked, unhappily married & their blogs are boring as all hell. I first beat RSM in the war of words and now I've beaten Rockstarmommy's fans.



dirty said... are so hot! biggest fan besides Em and Jesus.

PS-"do I get a marriage proposal yet?"

dirty said...

I love're so hot

dirty said...

tescosuicide wants you Gregg...otherwise he wouldn't be coming back for more...your site must be like crack for him.

Erica Ann Putis said...

You totally need to get a life. But I'm still trying to help you with your comments... See - I left one!

Gregg O'Connell said...

i dont need a life, RSM is my life. I'm devoted to her website